As we mark International Restorative Justice Week, two users of the Norfolk and Suffolk Restorative Justice Service have spoken about how it helped them move forwards after being affected by crime.
A project which aims to improve the well-being and mental health of prisoners with a little help from a few four-legged friends has been praised for its success.
A project launched last month to prevent homelessness among ex-offenders and reduce the likelihood of them returning to crime is already set to be extended thanks to partnership backing.
A virtual teaching package has been created in a bid to continue to educate young people about the dangers of criminal exploitation during the pandemic and beyond.
An initiative launched more than three years ago thanks to funding from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has received positive praise for helping turn prisoners’ lives around.
A new partnership project has been launched aimed at preventing homelessness among ex-offenders and reducing the likelihood they will return to criminal behaviour.
From supporting victims of crime and safeguarding the vulnerable, to rehabilitating offenders and making communities safer, find out how our commissioned services made a difference last year.
A mentoring service for young people identified as at risk of criminal exploitation is providing positive educational and work experiences in a bid to show what their future could hold.
A partnership project suported by Norfolk's PCC has been launched in a bid to help boost the resilience of young people at risk of child criminal exploitation or in need of a clearer direction in life.
Thousands of students in Norfolk have been benefitting from a series of special training sessions aimed at steering young people away from criminality and gang exploitation.