Supporting victims and protecting the vulnerable
Under the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is a ‘service provider’, responsible for commissioning practical and emotional support services for victims of crime in Norfolk. The PCC receives dedicated funding from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for that purpose.
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime is a key part of the Government’s strategy to ensure the criminal justice system puts victims first. It outlines what kind of support victims of crime can expect to receive from service providers which, as well as PCCs, include the police, prison service and court service.
Code of Practice for Victims of Crime
If you have any feedback for your PCC on victim support services in Norfolk, please get in touch.
Report a crime
If you would like information on reporting a crime, please visit the Norfolk Police website.
Need support?
If you or someone you know has been affected by crime, help is available from Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care – a service commissioned by your PCC, and run by Victim Support to provide free, confidential support to victims and witnesses of crime.
You can get advice and support to report a crime from Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care too.
Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care
Help for victims of domestic and sexual abuse
Your PCC works with organisations across the county to ensure specialist support is available for those affected by domestic and sexual abuse.
If you or someone you know is affected, please reach out for help. There are many local charities and organisations who can help you.
If you are in immediate danger, call 999.
Support for victims of domestic and sexual abuse
Scams safety advice
Fraud affects thousands of people across Norfolk every year. Most often it is the vulnerable in our society who are targeted and exploited by scammers, but anyone can be a victim.
Restorative justice
Restorative justice offers victims the chance to explain the impact of crime on them and have the offender consider and accept responsibility for the harm caused – something which can be helpful to some victims in coping with and recovering from the crime.
More information about restorative justice
Protecting the vulnerable
Your PCC is committed to working with partners locally and nationally to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. In the Police and Crime Plan, the PCC has pledged to work in partnership to make those at risk less vulnerable to victimisation.
Protecting young people is a key part of this work. We work in partnership across the county to help boost the resilience of young people at risk of child criminal exploitation or in need of a clearer direction in life.
Help for vulnerable young people
The Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse
(CAPVA) Project – Two-year pilot (April 2023-March-2025)
The CAPVA pilot has been funded by The Home Office’s Perpetrator fund and is managed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
The funding has been used to provide specialist support to families affected by CAPVA using a partnership approach between agencies.
Help for vulnerable young people
Road Victims Trust
Road Victims Trust provides emotional and practical support to all those who are affected by road crime, road death and life-changing injury, offering a face-to-face counselling service for as long as required, to help bereaved families and individuals to begin to cope and recover.