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In order for your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to make informed decisions, they must ensure the Norfolk community has an opportunity to share their views and experiences, and communicate what they want and need from the services which affect them.

To do this, the PCC holds public consultations in the form of surveys which allow you, as a Norfolk resident, to have your say. These surveys are conducted online and in paper format to ensure as many people as possible have an opportunity to provide opinions on the issues that matter to them.

Details of the surveys currently underway can be found below. We try to keep our surveys as short as possible so they won’t take you too long to complete. We will also do our best to feed back to you on how your input is being used by your PCC.


Police and Crime Plan 2025/29 Consultation

Norfolk’s newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Sarah Taylor launched her Police and Crime Plan consultation on 2 September 2024 asking people across the county to tell her what matters most to them about crime and policing in their area.

The consultation will run for eight weeks and close at 5pm on Friday 1 November. The PCC is keen to hear from as many people as possible, so please take this opportunity to share what you believe to be the priorities for the county and for Norfolk Constabulary.

Sarah will take her Police and Crime Plan for Norfolk to the county's Police and Crime Panel later in the year.

Norfolk's PCC Sarah Taylor launches her Police and Crime Plan Consultation


Police Budget Consultation 2024/25

PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie launched his annual Police Budget Consultation for 2024/25 on Monday, 4 September. The consultation has now closed. Thank you to all those who took part. Giles will now take time to consider the findings and his decision will be announced in due course.

Police budget consultation launched - find out more

Police Budget Consultation 2023/24

PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie launched his annual Police Budget Consultation for 2023/24 on Tuesday 3 January. The consultation has now closed. Thank you to all those who took part. Giles will now take time to consider the findings and his decision will be announced in due course.

Police budget consultation launched - find out more 

Police Budget Consultation 2022/23

PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie launched his annual Police Budget Consultation for 2022/23 on 4 January. The consultation has now closed. Thank you to all those who took part. Giles will now take time to consider the findings and his decision will be announced in due course.

Police budget consultation launched - find out more 

Police and Crime Plan consultation 2021

Norfolk’s newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Giles Orpen-Smellie, launched his Police and Crime Plan consultation on 26 July 2021 asking people across the county to tell him what matters most to them about crime and policing in their area.

The consultation ran for four weeks and closed on 20 August 2021. The PCC is considering all feedback as he develops his Police and Crime Plan for Norfolk, which he will take to the county's Police and Crime Panel later in the year.

Norfolk's PCC launches his Police and Crime Plan consultation

Budget Consultation 2021/22 (under former PCC Lorne Green)

Former PCC Lorne Green launched his annual public budget consultation on 21 December 2020, setting out some of the key challenges facing the Constabulary in the coming year.

The consultation closed on Friday 22 January 2021 and the results will be published on our website in due course. 

Find out more:

PCC launches annual budget consultation for 2021/22

Budget set after unanimous Panel support

Budget Consultation 2020/21 (under former PCC Lorne Green)

Former PCC Lorne Green launched his annual public budget consultation on 16 December 2019, asking Norfolk taxpayers whether they would be prepared to pay more through council tax to help build a safer and more resilient Norfolk.

Find out more: 

PCC launches annual budget consultation

Budget report to the Police and Crime Panel

Panel support for budget which allows further investment in policing

Would you pay more council tax to help fund policing in Norfolk? (2019/20 police budget - under PCC former Lorne Green)

Former PCC Lorne Green launched his annual public budget consultation in January 2019, asking Norfolk taxpayers whether they would be prepared to pay more through council tax to support their policing service.

Find out more: 

Consultation document

Survey results

Survey comments

Budget report to Police and Crime Panel