Police & Crime Commissioner Norfolk
Your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is elected by the Norfolk public to set the countywide strategy for reducing crime and disorder and improving community safety. The PCC is the voice of the people in policing, holding Norfolk’s Chief Constable to account for delivering an efficient and effective police service. Your PCC champions the needs of victims of crime and the vulnerable, providing local services to ensure that help and support are available to them.
In meeting these responsibilities, the PCC is supported by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN). This is independent from the PCC and led by the Chief Executive. The office is made up of experts in areas such as community safety, criminal justice, victim support, policy, performance and scrutiny, finance, public engagement and communication.

Find out more about Sarah Taylor and her role and responsibilities as Norfolk’s PCC.

Find out more about your PCC office, what we do and the team behind it.

Find out more about the Police, Crime & Community Safety Plan and its role in helping to keep Norfolk safe.

The Norfolk Community Safety Partnership brings together organisations from across Norfolk to tackle crime and disorder, to ensure the county remains a safe place for people to live, work and visit.

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