Plans in place to ensure the criminal justice system continues effectively despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic were commended at the recent meeting of the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Criminal Justice Board.
Norfolk's PCC, Lorne Green, has published his latest annual report which provides an overview of progress made against the county's Police and Crime Plan from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
The WONDER project, which helps female offenders address the root causes of offending behaviour, has been shortlisted for a Community Award by the Howard League of Penal Reform.
A scheme to help female offenders turn their lives around is set to be expanded across the county thanks to a new partnership supported by Norfolk’s PCC.
Partner organisations across the county are being invited to play their part in a scheme targeting female offenders and women at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
The WONDER Project, which offers support to women coming into contact with the criminal justice system to help them turn their lives around, has secured funding to extend its services.