The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) needs to make robust, well-informed and transparent decisions to carry out their role and responsibilities.
Decisions are made in line with a Decision-Making Policy Statement.
View the Decision-Making Policy Statement
Barring those containing confidential information, all decisions made by PCCs since the role was introduced in 2012 are published below.
Decisions taken by the PCC
The Police and Crime Commissioner provides Serious Violence Duty grant funding to Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership to deliver a Serious Youth Violence Conference in Norfolk to support Norfolk’s partnership response to the Serious Violence Duty.
Date: 2025-01-10 / PDF (241 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner approves Serious Violence Duty grant funding to Right to Succeed to support the delivery of an alternative education project and a youth outreach project to, in turn, support local implementation of the Serious Violence Duty.
Date: 2025-01-08 / PDF (251 KB)
The PCC supports this decision to extend the provision within the existing joint initiative with the East of England Probation Service to provide qualification training to ex-offenders in Norfolk, with the OPCCN to act as Lead Commissioner and provide an additional £500 contribution to allow the extension of the project to include the provision of forklift truck training.
Date: 2024-10-31 / PDF (242 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner agreed to provide Serious Violence Duty grant funding to Norfolk County Council to deliver the Targeted Youth Support Service (TYSS) Summer Programme 2024 to support Norfolk’s partnership response to the Serious Violence Duty
Date: 2024-10-15 / PDF (196 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner approves Serious Violence Duty grant funding to CREST Advisory UK Ltd to develop and deliver a Theory of Change and performance framework to Serious Violence Duty Partners to embed the delivery of Norfolk’s partnership Response Strategy to the Serious Violence Duty.
Date: 2024-05-01 / PDF (248 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner provided Serious Violence Duty grant funding and OPCCN funding to The Change Project to continue to deliver the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Intervention Service to support Norfolk’s partnership response to the Serious Violence Duty.
Date: 2024-02-28 / PDF (230 KB)
The PCC agreed the re-appointment of eleven existing LQCs for a further term of six years. The PCC approved the appointment of 17 new LQCs for a five year term. The PCC appointed all the LQCs referenced in the recommendations on the terms and conditions, subject to minor insubstantial changes to reflect governance arrangements within the Ministry of Defence Police and which would not alter the commitments of the PCC.
Date: 2024-02-01 / PDF (356 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner confirms the contract be awarded.
1. Transition the service from CRG to commence 1st March 2024
2. Improve upon known current contract issues, such as: Medically trained staff retention through job security and reassurance.
3. Obtain value through a longer-term contract (affordability)
Date: 2024-01-30 / PDF (319 KB)
The PCC for Norfolk supported the allocation of funding to The Change Project to deliver Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Intervention Service on a 1-2-1 basis in Norfolk for those who are identified by DAPPA team analysis and the MARAC process. This project will run for a 12-month period until 31st March 2024.
Date: 2023-11-24 / PDF (336 KB)
The PCC provided a three-year grant to St Giles Trust to manage the Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking service, providing immediate independent support and initial response to those, aged 18 and over (men and women and those with protected characteristics) who have been subject to modern slavery and exploitation in Norfolk until 31st May 2026.
Date: 2023-06-08 / PDF (340 KB)
The PCC approved funding of £11,525 to support additional resource in the Norfolk and Suffolk Restorative Justice Service in 2022/23 and an extension of Norfolk OPCC’s share of joint funding provided to the Norfolk and Suffolk Police Joint Justice Department to operate the Restorative Justice Hub for a further two years from April 2023, at a total cost of £49,025 per annum.
Date: 2023-01-11 / PDF (243 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner awarded Grant Funding of up to £360,000 over two financial years as per Grant Agreement to the Sue Lambert Trust to deliver support services to victims of Sexual Abuse/Historic Cases of Child Sexual Abuse to victims aged 11 years and over.
Date: 2022-09-02 / PDF (184 KB)
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner authorised to execute the collaboration agreement on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner, to enable the Joint Royalty and VIP Protection Services Command function to progress.
Date: 2022-07-23 / PDF (154 KB)
The PCC for Norfolk support's the allocation of funding to The Change Project to deliver positive behaviour change interventions on a 1-2-1 basis in Norfolk for those who are identified by the DAPPA team analysis. This project will run for a 12-month period.
Date: 2022-07-22 / PDF (246 KB)
The PCC for Norfolk supports the allocation of Norfolk Public Health’s under-spend to St Giles Trust to enable the creation of training resource (Conflict Management and Emotional Regulation), which will be of benefit to the ADDER client group in helping them take steps towards employment.
Date: 2022-05-19 / PDF (199 KB)
The PCC for Norfolk supports the allocation of funding to The Centre for Public Innovation to allow for the commissioning of this additional piece of work to help inform Norfolk’s Strategic Needs Assessment, the outcome of which will inform future OPCCN Commissioning Intentions.
Date: 2021-12-21 / PDF (246 KB)
It is recommended that the Police and Crime Panel be notified of the proposed appointment of the Chief Constable for Norfolk Constabulary by the Police and Crime Commissioner. This decision paper will be submitted for consideration at the Confirmation Hearing on Thursday 2nd December 2021.
Date: 2021-12-03 / PDF (10 MB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk approved the Grants awarded that are set out using the Ministry of Justice uplift funding within the Victims' Fund to support specialist organisations delivering Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence services to victims.
Date: 2021-05-25 / PDF (239 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk approved the Grants awarded that are set out below using the Ministry of Justice National ISVA and IDVA Fund through Expressions of Interest, and additional funding for ISVA's through the MoJ Victims' Fund that support those with protected characteristics.
Date: 2021-05-24 / PDF (269 KB)
The PCC for Norfolk supports the allocation for joint funding to St Giles Trust to enable the provision of the Support Worker role, which is pivotal to the delivery of Pathway Out a key project which forms part of the wider ADDER programme activity across Greater Norwich.
Date: 2021-05-20 / PDF (211 KB)
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner authorised the execution of the Collaboration Agreement on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner, to enable the continuation of the collaborated Joint Integrated Offender Management function.
Date: 2021-02-07 / PDF (263 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk approves the extension to the delivery period of those providers who have been grant funded under the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) ‘Covid-19 Extraordinary Funding Round 1 for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services’ until 31st March 2021.
Date: 2020-12-31 / PDF (1.6 MB)
In anticipation that Northern Ireland may require Mutual Aid following the UK departure from the European Union, the PCC has agreed to enter into a collaborative agreement to allow the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI) to investigate complaints made in any operation as a result of Mutual Aid
Date: 2020-12-18 / PDF (171 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner supported the allocation of of funding extension to cover the period of 1st August - 31st August 2020 for the following organisations:
• Leeway Domestic Abuse and Violence Services
• Pandora Project
• Daisy Programme
• South Norfolk Early Help Hub- DA Worker
Date: 2020-12-07 / PDF (286 KB)
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk approved the Grants awards using Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) Community Safety and Commissioning Funding to support those organisations delivering Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services to victims within Norfolk, who have been affected by COVID-19.
Date: 2020-07-16 / PDF (469 KB)
The Joint Professional Standards Department have been operating as a collaborated function since 2012. The function continues to operate and deliver in line with strategic objectives and a further collaboration agreement is presented for authorisation to continue with the function for a further 5 years. The minor changes to the function have been outlined in the details of the submission.
Date: 2020-07-12 / PDF (177 KB)
The PCC approved the purchase of Hethersett Old Hall School in accordance with the business case. The site will be developed into a Norfolk Constabulary Centre of Learning, with the potential for significant collaboration with and investment from other public sector partners.
Date: 2020-02-28 / PDF (316 KB)
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner authorised the execution of the Section 22A Agreement to collaborate in Joint ICT; Joint Estates and Facilities; Joint Transport Services (under Section 22A of the Police Act 1996).
Date: 2020-02-20 / PDF (154 KB)
Date: 2018-07-27 / PDF (628 KB)
The PCC authorised the Chief Executive to execute a collaboration agreement produced nationally in relation to the National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service, National Wildlife Crime Unit and National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit.
Date: 2018-07-26 / PDF (145 KB)
The PCC agreed to continue the joint project with Norfolk County Council Children's Services to provide three domestic abuse coordinators to work across the county, aligning their activity in support of early help hubs, providing expert advice and support for multi-agency practitioners, and identifying and training a network of local domestic abuse champions.
Date: 2017-10-23 / PDF (954 KB)
In March 2015, the OPCCN published the awards made to those organisations who were successful with their applications to the Sexual Abuse Victims Support Fund - Round 1. Decision notice 2015-05 outlined the application and scoring process. During that process there were three applications that underwent further governance checks which have now been completed. Following these checks the Oversight Board agreed to award funding to all three organisations, and the PCC agreed the allocation of funds.
Date: 2016-01-28 / PDF (128 KB)
During the last two years, a number of statutory bodies in Norfolk have identified a need for specialist community services for women with personality disorder, and the Offender Health Profile commissioned by the OPCCN also identified the absence of a dedicated personality disorder service in the county. A total of £15,000 is being provided to 4Women Resource Centre by the PCC to fund a pilot project.
Date: 2015-05-15 / PDF (626 KB)
Collaboration Panel on 9 December 2013 considered and agreed the business case to establish a Joint Integrated Management function for Norfolk and Suffolk. The PCC has now approved the collaboration in line with the terms set out in the decision report
Date: 2015-05-13 / PDF (433 KB)
The OPCCN submitted a number of bids to the MOJ competed fund, of which 7 were successful. One of the successful bids is to provide specialist outreach support for victims and witnesses who are experiencing mental health crisis as a result of being a victim of crime. A total of £50,464 has been allocated to this bid to provide one-to-one advocate support to victims in Norwich.
Date: 2014-12-12 / PDF (4.6 MB)
A decision has been made that the Chief Executive may delegate the performance of his functions as Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer to the Chief Finance Officer and other officers to cover circumstances whenever he is unable to perform such functions.
Date: 2014-03-18 / PDF (1.5 MB)
The PCC, Stephen Bett, has agreed to the proposal, as set out in section 2 of the report, that a detailed User Requirement and an Invitation to Tender can be developed and further consideration can be given to appointing an Evidence Based Policing Partner.
Date: 2013-10-17 / PDF (2.9 MB)
The PCC, Stephen Bett, has given approval to:
a) Renew the appointments of all 28 ICVs in Norfolk as of 1 September 2013
b) Commence a 2 term limit for ICVs in Norfolk so that a balanced representation of volunteers can be maintained, which would be implemented as of 1 September 2016.
Date: 2013-08-20 / PDF (1.4 MB)
A decision has been made that the Chief Executive may delegate the performance of his functions as Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer to the Deputy Chief Executive and other officers to cover circumstances whenever the Chief Executive is unable to perform such functions.
Date: 2012-11-28 / PDF (537 KB)
The Police Reform and Social Responsibility (PR&SR) Act 2011 Section 1(9) abolishes police authorities effective from midnight 21 November 2012.
The new policing body, which takes on all legal responsibilities and liabilities of the Norfolk Police Authority, is the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Norfolk.
For seamless continuity this report recommends that existing policies and practices of the NPA continue, amended only regarding nomenclature, until a detailed review has been undertaken by the PCC in due course of all such documents on an individual or collective basis as may be deemed suitable.
Date: 2012-11-21 / PDF (995 KB)
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