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Norfolk’s PCC joins national call to end violence against women and girls

commissioned and funded services dedicated to supporting victims and helping the vulnerable, including those affected by domestic and sexual abuse. Examples of recent investments include: ·        A major new service to improve support

Serious Violence Duty

to prevent and reduce serious violence; taking a whole-system approach to understand the causes and consequences of serious violence, focused on prevention and early intervention. The Serious Violence Duty allows flexibility to include other types of serious violence such as domestic abuse and sexual

Sexual assault victims and survivors to continue to receive vital support in Norfolk

by the Daisy Programme which has provided support and counselling to people affected by domestic abuse for seven years. Thanks to the initial funding of £141,066 from the OPCCN, Daisy began offering specialist support for victims of sexual abuse, sexual violence, rape, and recent and historic child

PCC responds to parliamentary briefing on Women in the Penal System

to victimisation (rape, abuse or domestic violence), substance misuse, and finance, benefit and debt issues. One quarter face accommodation difficulties and matters pertaining to children and families. The description of need from the women bears out the importance of understanding complexity when

PCC updates Police and Crime Panel on policing in Norfolk

commissioned services did not overlap with services provided nationally such as Fraud Action. Cllr Mike Smith-Clare suggested the commissioning of a service for young people to help them understand the impact of domestic abuse.  Giles agreed that education had a part to play for future generations

Pilot to help vulnerable young people will provide a lasting legacy

.” “This joined up approach represents true partnership working. The Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) project has been overseen by my office and delivered in partnership with Respect, Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS), Youth Justice, Norfolk

"A safe and resilient Norfolk" - PCC launches annual budget consultation

victims, including services for victims of domestic abuse and sexual assaults. “Through Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMICFRS), I am provided with external assurance that Norfolk continues to have a high performing, effective well managed police force, and dedicated officers

Norfolk’s Youth Commission continues to be ‘voice of young people’ in the county

crime and assisted officers at the Sundown music festival over the summer. They have been also been involved in a variety of training sessions including substance misuse, safeguarding and domestic abuse training as well as working with youth organisations across Norfolk including the Youth


for victims Work in partnership to commission effective services that support victims of high harm crime Implement and develop the Norfolk integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NiDAS) and review the provision of services for sexual violence victims Improving victim’s experience of the criminal justice

PCC’s Youth Commission grows from strength to strength

. To date Youth Commission members have benefited from mental health first aid, dementia, scam awareness and domestic abuse training. More recently members have participated in a ‘Make Our Rights Reality’ training session gaining knowledge on young people’s rights and the criminal justice system