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Category: Policing

Woman in a street at night

PCC outlines challenges ahead at Police and Crime Panel

Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Giles Orpen-Smellie, was at County Hall on Monday (14 January) to answer questions from the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel.  As Giles holds the Chief Constable to account, so councillors and independent members of the Panel scrutinize the PCC’s actions and decisions.

Giles Orpen Smellie and Paul Sanford

PCC puts your policing questions to the Chief Constable

The focus of this meeting was to review the Constabulary’s recent report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Service (HMICFRS) and matters arising from that inspection.

Combine harvester in Salhouse

Tackling Rural Crime Event

Residents of Norfolk are being invited to attend an event to find out how Norfolk Constabulary are dealing with rural crime.

Chief Constable Paul Sanford standing with PCC Giles Orpen Smellie

PCC holds accountability meeting

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s regular accountability meeting took place, hearing questions from Norfolk residents on policing in the county.