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Specified Information Order

The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) 2011 (as amended in 2012), The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) 2013 and The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) amendment 2021, places a duty on the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to publish certain information within specified timescales, and for that information to be reviewed at prescribed frequencies.

Links to all information required to be published in accordance with the Specified Information Order are available on this page.  For ease of reference, the wording has been taken directly from the legislation to provide a clear picture of the PCC’s compliance with their duties in this area.

To assist with the understanding of this section, the following interpretations may be useful:

  • “Elected Local Policing Body” – Police and Crime Commissioner
  • “Relevant Office Holder” – The Commissioner (and Deputy Commissioner if appointed)
  • “Senior Employee” – a member of staff whose salary exceeds £58,200

To ensure the OPCCN are compliant with The Order, members of the Independent Advisory Group have carried out what will become an annual audit of the Specified Information Order. More information and the report can be found here

Specified Information Order

1. In relation to the relevant office holders of the elected local policing body-

(a) the name of each relevant office holder;

(b) the address for correspondence of each relevant office holder;

(c) the salary of each relevant office holder; – see table below

Name / Position Salary
Sarah Taylor - Police and Crime Commissioner £73,300

*Note: Salaries determined by Secretary of State taking into account the Senior Salaries Review Board’s report recommendations

(d) the allowances paid to each relevant office holder in respect of expenses incurred by the office holder in the exercise of the body’s functions;

(e) a register of interests of relevant office holders, including every paid employment or office or other pecuniary interest of each relevant office holder.

Sarah Taylor - Notification of Disclosable Interests 

(f) the number of complaints or conduct matters that have been brought to the attention of a relevant office holder by the police and crime panel (either because they have been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, or because they are being subjected to informal resolution by the panel)

2. In relation to the staff (and, in relation to gifts and hospitality, also the relevant office holders) of the elected local policing body-

(a) the number of members of the staff;

(b) the proportion of the staff who-

(i) are women,
(ii) are, to the knowledge of the elected local policing body, members of an ethnic minority,
(iii) have, to the knowledge of the elected local policing body, a disability (within the meaning of section 6 of the Equality Act 2010(a));

(c) an organisational chart showing the structure of the staff;

(d) the job title, responsibilities and salary of each senior employee and (unless the senior employee refuses to consent to the publication of his name) the name of the senior employee;
Chief Executive Mark Stokes
Chief Finance Officer Simon George

Director - Performance and Scrutiny Sharon Lister
Director - Policy, Commissioning and Communications Gavin Thompson

(e) a register of each offer of a gift or hospitality made to a relevant office holder or member of staff, indicating whether the offer was accepted or refused.

The gifts and hospitality registers for PCC Sarah Taylor - The PCC has received one copy of the EDP and one copy of the Evening News newspapers on the 31st May 2024. This gift was accepted. 

The gifts and hospitality registers for OPCCN staff  - None received during PCC term to date.

2A. In relation to—

the duty of the chief officer of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body to provide assistance to the body under section 2(5) or 4(5) of the 2011 Act; and

the power of a local authority to provide administrative, professional or technical services to the elected local policing body under section 1(1) of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970

– information as to any arrangements for use by the elected local policing body of the staff of the chief officer or of a local authority under those provisions

3. In relation to the income and expenditure of the elected local policing body-

(a) the total budget of the elected local policing body;
(b) where the elected local policing body is a police and crime commissioner, the precept issued by the commissioner;
(c) information as to each anticipated source of revenue of the elected local policing body (other than, in the case of a police and crime commissioner, the precept);
(d) information as to the proposed expenditure of the elected local policing body;
Policing budget and council tax information

(e) a copy of the annual investment strategy of the elected local policing body;

Annual Investment and Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24

(f) information as to each crime and disorder reduction grant made by the elected local policing body, including the conditions (if any) attached to the grant, the recipient of the grant, the purpose of the grant and the reasons why the body considered that the grant would secure, or contribute to securing, crime and disorder reduction in the body’s area;

Grant Funding page

Decision notices

– decisions numbers 2021.28 and over were made by current PCC, numbers below this relate to decisions made by former PCC's.

(g) information as to each item of expenditure of –

(i) the elected local policing body, or
(ii) the chief officer of the police force maintained by the body,

exceeding £500 (other than a crime and disorder reduction grant made by the elected local policing body), including the recipient of the funds, the purpose of the expenditure and the reasons why the body or the chief officer (as the case may be) considered that good value for money would be obtained.

(h) information as to each item of expenditure of the elected local policing body in relation to travel by, accommodation for, or the subsistence of, a relevant office holder, including the recipient of the funds, the purpose of the expenditure and the reasons why the elected local policing body considered that good value for money would be obtained.


4. In relation to the property, rights and liabilities of the elected local policing body-

(a) the identity of any premises or land owned by, or occupied for the purposes of, the elected local policing body;
Property Asset Register 

(b) a copy of each contract with a value exceeding £10,000 to which –

(i) the elected local policing body, or
(ii) the chief officer of the police force maintained by the body, is or is to be a party;

Copies of contracts on behalf of the PCC since coming into being on 22 November 2012 are registered and available for inspection on the Contracts Finder website at

(c) a copy of each invitation to tender issued by –

(i) the elected local policing body, or
(ii) the chief officer of the police force maintained by the body, in relation to a contract which the body or chief officer (as the case may be) expects will have a value exceeding £10,000;

(d) a list of every contract with a value not exceeding £10,000 to which –

(i) the elected local policing body, or
(ii) the chief officer of the police force maintained by the body, is or is to be a party, including the value of the contract, the identity of every other party to the contract and the purpose of the contract.”.

5. In relation to the decisions of the elected local policing body-

(a) the date, time and place of each public meeting to be held by the elected local policing body;

(b) a copy of the agenda for each public meeting held by the elected local policing body, and any report or other document that is the subject matter of an item on the agenda;

(c) a copy of the minutes of each public meeting held by the elected local policing body, and of each meeting which is not a public meeting but at which matters of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the body’s functions are discussed.
PCC Accountability Meeting
Strategic Governance Board

(d) a record of each decision of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the elected local policing body’s functions, whether made by the body at or as a result of a meeting or otherwise.

6. In relation to the policies of the elected local policing body –

(a) a statement of the policy of the elected local policing body in relation to the conduct of relevant office holders

Sarah Taylor - Signed Code of Conduct 

including procedures for the handling of qualifying complaints and conduct matters (within the meaning of section 31 of the 2011 Act);

(b) a statement of the policy of the elected local policing body in relation to the making of decisions of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the body’s functions;

Decision-Making Policy Statement

(c) a statement of the policy of the elected local policing body in relation to records management, including procedures for the security and sharing of information and the retention and destruction of documents;

Retention Policy

(d) a statement of the policy of the elected local policing body in relation to the handling of qualifying disclosures (within the meaning of section 43B of the Employment Rights Act 1996(a))
– also whistle-blowing clause within the Code of Conduct - Staff.

7. In relation to the prevention of crime and disorder, – 

 a copy of any report required by the elected local policing body from the responsible authorities for a local government area under section 7(1) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998(b)
– No reports have been required by the PCC.

7A. Key national priorities for policing -

 In relation to the key national priorities for policing, as communicated to elected local policing bodies by the Secretary of State -

(a) a statement on the contribution of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body to achieving improvements against those priorities; –

(b) an explanation of which of the national priorities are assessed to be applicable and which not applicable in the context of the relevant police area and the reasons for that assessment.

The national priorities for policing are specified in the Police and Crime Measures, these are to: reduce murder and other homicide; reduce serious violence; disrupt drugs supply and county lines; reduce neighbourhood crime; tackle cyber crime; and improve satisfaction among victims with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse. These Measures will be kept under review and further crime types may be added in the future.

A current summary and supplementary comments of how Norfolk Constabulary is performing against the National Crime and Policing Measures can be found here. Data is released quarterly and previous summaries can be found by searching the document library of this website here.

Subsequent reviews and updates will be published in accordance with the requirements of the Order, as amended. Quarterly updates will be made following the publication of quarterly crime statistics.

7B. HMICFRS Inspections and Reports -

In relation to inspections and reports by the inspectors of constabulary under section 54(2) of the Police Act 1996 (appointment and functions of inspectors of constabulary) (2), the most recent—

(a) annual report on the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body;

(b) summary assessment of the performance of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body.

The current HMICFRS Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) Inspection of Norfolk Constabulary can be found here. The Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) response to the HMICFRS PEEL inspection can be found here.

All HMICFRS Inspections and Reports can be found here.

7C. Reporting in relation to complaints

In relation to complaints concerning the police force maintained by the elected local policing body—

(a) the most recent—

(i)  quarterly data in relation to that police force

IOPC Complaints Statistics - Your Local Police Force

(ii) annual statistics report,

IOPC Complaints Statistics

published by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (available in the above links);

(b) a report setting out—

(i) details of how the elected local policing body has fulfilled its duty under—

(aa) in the case of police and crime commissioners, section 1(8)(ca) of the 2011 Act (police and crime commissioners)(3) to hold the chief constable to account for the exercise of the chief constable’s functions under Part 2 of the Police Reform Act 2002(4) in relation to the handling of complaints;

PCC Assessment of performance in holding the Chief Constable to Account in respect of Complaints

One way the PCC holds the Chief Constable to account in respect of complaints is via the PCC Accountability Meeting (PAM). Complaints are discussed during the PAM as part of the Police and Crime Plan's Pillar 2 'visible and trusted policing'. For more information and to see the latest reports please visit here: PCC Accountability Meeting

(ii) an assessment by the elected local policing body of its performance in exercising its functions under paragraph 30(1)(b) of Schedule 3 to the Police Reform Act 2002 (reviews: the relevant review body)(6); –

PCC Assessment of performance in relation to Complaint Reviews

(iii) where the elected local policing body has given notice to the chief officer of the police force maintained by the body under section 13A of the Police Reform Act 2002 (local policing bodies: functions in relation to complaints)(7) that it is to exercise certain functions of the chief officer in relation to complaints, an assessment by the body of its performance in exercising those functions.

This is not relevant to Norfolk OPCC. For more information on the Complaints Reform decision please click here.

8. In relation to the independent custody visitor arrangements made under section 51 of the Police Reform Act 2002(a), –

(a) information as to the operation of the arrangements.