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His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces and fire & rescue services. HMICFRS periodically inspect forces nationally by way of a Thematic Inspection Programme. These inspections are a critical function that enables the public, forces and Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to understand how well local police forces are performing. HMICFRS ask questions they believe to be in the public interest, whilst using their expertise to interpret evidence and publish clear information. 

The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) 2011 (as amended in 2012), The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) 2013 and The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information Order) amendment 2021, places a duty on PCCs to publish certain information within specified timescales, and for that information to be reviewed at prescribed frequencies. Information on HMICFRS inspections can be found under section 7B of the Specified Information Order

As the elected representative of Norfolk, our PCC plays an essential role in holding the police to account for their performance. Part of this responsibility includes responding to all HMICFRS inspections, recommendations and areas for improvement pertaining to Norfolk Constabulary within 56 calendar days of report publication by virtue of s55 Police Act 1996.

Reports carried out by HMICFRS can be accessed below, along with the PCC's responses to the Home Secretary and HMICFRS in relation to these reports and their findings.

Previous reports and responses