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Confidential decisions

All decisions, barring those containing confidential information, are recorded and published on our Decisions page.

Decisions page 

Details of confidential decisions, along with a summary of the decision made, are available below.

2024-52 Private Cloud Replacement and Investment
The PCC approved the signing of the decision to spend joint capital funds for the replacement to enable the Constabularies to have a more resilient environment, allow smooth transition for upgrades to systems and unlock potential for investment in systems. This Decision Notice outlines commercially sensitive information in respect of pricing information from Dell and provides the total funding envelope of both forces.

2024-47 Wymondham OCC – Building 8 Use by Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service.
The PCC approves the use of Wymondham OCC Building 8 by Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service.This decision notice is confidential as the agreed rent and property costs remain without prejudice and subject to contract up to the completion of the new legal agreement for the letting.

2024-46 King’s Lynn Former Police Station Site – Proposed Sale. 
The PCC approved the sale of the house.This decision notice is confidential as it includes outline advice on property values for a sale before an exchange of contracts.

2024-45 North Norwich Police Station Hurricane Way, Norwich – Lease Renewal.
The PCC approves the new 4 year lease at 24 Hurricane Way, Norwich.This decision notice is confidential as its subject to commercial lease / rent negotiations with the landlord and not legally certain until formal lease completion.

2024-44 Holt Former Police Station Site – Proposed Sale
The PCC approved the sale of the house.This decision notice is confidential as it includes outline advice on property values before the legal completion of a sale.

2024-05 7 Force I T Licencing Partner
The PCC approved to award the contract for an initial 4 years with an option to extend for a further 1 year. This decision notice is confidential as it contains commercially sensitive information.

2024-08 Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) programme  
The PCC provided funding to deliver CAPVA programme of interventions, enabling delivery of the Norfolk PCC’s successful bid to the Home Office’s Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Intervention Fund. This decision notice is amending anticipated reduction in funding; however, the Home Office remain that they will not amend our grant hence this report is a confidential decision.

2024-19 Renewal of frontline policing system, OPTIK 
The PCC approved signing the new contract proposal for three years to 28th February 2027, with the option to extend by two further years to 28th February 2029. This is a confidential decision due to commercial interests and information pertaining to third party subcontracted hosting services.

2024-20 Estates Valuation, Rating & Planning Consultancy Contract
The PCC agreed to award the contract. This is a confidential decision as it contains the framework bid prices from various consultants to undertake our services.

2024-25 ICCS Contract and Tech refresh of hardware within the CCRs across Norfolk and Suffolk
The PCC agreed to award the contract to provide support, maintenance and callout requirements to both CCR’s across Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies. This is confidential due to commercial interests and information pertaining to third party subcontracted hosting services.

2023-44 Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Hellesdon - Works for ISO Accreditation
The PCC approved the commencement of the ISO Accreditation works to the SARC premises and the allocation of funds towards the project. This report is confidential as it contains a reference to quotations for building contracting works.

2023-42 Norfolk Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Contract 2023-8
The PCC approved the decision to establish an agreement between 6 OPCC's. One OPCC/Force will be named the lead for procurement purposes and will be a common contract across the region. Each OPCC/Force will be invoiced for their respective service. The NHS have agreed to fund part of each SARC service. This decision is confidential as it contains commercially sensitive information.

2023-38 Provision of In-Cell Technology to the Police Investigation Centres (PICs)
The PCC authorised the execution of the deed of variation to enable installation of in-cell technology in each of the six joint PICs. The paper is confidential as it contains commercially sensitive information about the contractual arrangements of the Police Investigation Centres' PFI contracts.

2023-31 Hethersett Old Hall School PDC Works to Junior School and Nursery Site
The PCC approved the commencement of works to the former Junior School and former Nursery School. This decision is confidential as it outlines quotes for building works.

2023-30 SEERPIC Motor Insurance Tender
The PCC approved the decision to enter in to a contract for the provision of motor insurance. This paper is confidential as the information contains commercially sensitive information, including information about other forces within the ten force consortium.

2023-28 Hethersett Old Hall PDC Planning Application for Works to Former Junior and Nursery School
The PCC approved the submission of planning application(s) to cover refurbishment and other works relating to the former Junior School and Nursery blocks. This decision is confidential as it relates to planning proposals which are still subject to pre-application advice and consultation from South Norfolk Council planners.

2023-27 Contract for PCC from the National Child Safeguarding Practice Panel, Department for Education. 
The PCC approved the decision to enter in contract with the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. This paper is confidential as the information will be accessible by other means - the Department for Education will be publishing the award of this contract.

2023-26 ICT Back-Up Solution Contract. 
The PCC approved the capital allocation from the 2023/24 capital budget to meet the Constabulary's total share of the costs. The PCC also approved the contract for the ICT back-up solution. This decision is confidential as it outlines current weaknesses with the Constabulary's back-up system that would expose the risk to potential cyber threat actors. In addition the report contains sensitive commercial information.

2023-23 Updated Lease Winchester Tower - Norwich
The PCC approved the new updated lease for aerial roof rights at Winchester Tower, Norwich. This paper is confidential as the paper includes a commercial in confidence lease terms which are still 'subject to contract' until the proposed lease is completed.

2023-19 Norwich City Police Station - Bethel Street Tender for Building Works
The PCC approved the award of the Norwich City Police Station estates construction contract. This paper is confidential as it contains commercial in confidence building tender submission sums.

2023-15 Wide Area Network (WAN) Services Contract for Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
The PCC approved a new services contract to provide continuity of WAN Services to both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies and to provide upgrades of circuits as and when required across the duration of the contract. This paper is confidential as it contains commercially sensitive information.

2023-02 Norwich City Police Station (Bethel Street) Submission of Planning Application for Temporary Public Enquiry Office Cabin
The PCC approved the submission of a planning application to Norwich City Council for temporary public enquiry office accommodation relating to the re-development of Norwich City Police Station. This paper is confidential as it relates to works which have not been subject to open market tender yet.

2022-56 Section 22A Collaboration Agreement for Joint Justice Finance.
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner authorised the collaboration agreement on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner, to enable the Joint Finance Department to progress. This paper is confidential because it deals with ongoing internal constabulary structure changes which will affect people’s roles and reporting responsibilities.

2022-49 Gayton Police Mast Use by North Norfolk Digital Limited.
The PCC approved the letting of aerial rights to North Norfolk Digital Ltd. This paper is confidential as it includes commercial in confidence rental figures which are still subject to contract and awaiting legal completion.

2022-48 Sale of Police House- Thorpe
The PCC approved the sale of a Police House in Thorpe. This paper is confidential as it includes commercial in confidence valuation advice and personal name and home address details of a serving Police Officer.

2022-47 Norwich City Police Station- Bethel Street Temporary Accommodation   
The PCC approves the submission of a planning application to Norwich City Council for temporary accommodation relating to the re-development of Norwich City Police Station. This paper is is confidential as it relates to works which have not been subject to open market tender yet.

2022-46 Building Fabric Contract
The PCC granted approval to enter into the contract with the providers. This paper is is confidential as it includes commercial in confidence budget information for different types of building works.

2022-43 Next Generation Procurement (NGP) for Physical Forensic Services
The PCC granted approval to enter into the contract with the providers. Elements of this report have official-sensitive (commercial) protective markings.

2022-37 Planned Maintenance Update & 2022 Works 
The PCC notes the current planned maintenance liability and approves the estate works for 2022 /2023. This report is confidential as the paper includes commercial in confidence budgets which will be allocated for commercial contractor quotes and tenders.

2022-36 Aylsham Police Investigation Centre (PIC)  – Mains Electricity Work
The PCC notes the UK Power Networks proposed installation and delegates authority to the ACO to settle the Land Compensation due and related legal wayleave document for the installation. This paper is is confidential Due to ongoing commercial negotiations with UK Power Networks on the  amount of land compensation to be paid to the PCC.

2022-35 Carmelite House, Norwich Temporary Accommodation – Covid-19
The PCC approves the acquisition of a continued temporary lease for the use of offices at Carmelite House to end of September 2022. This paper is is confidential as it contains a commercial lease transaction awaiting formal legal lease completion with the PCC’s landlord and remains subject to contract.

2022-34 Europa Way Store, Norwich – Lease Termination
The PCC approves the termination of the Europa Way, Norwich lease in accordance with the background of this paper. This report is confidential as the paper includes commercial in confidence estate management recommendations relating to a lease with an external private landlord.

2022-33 Sprowston Police Station Submission Of Future Surplus Site Planning Application
The PCC submits an outline planning application for residential development on the Sprowston Police Station siteThis report is confidential as the paper includes commercial in confidence capital receipt figures.

2022-32 Acle Police Station Submission Of Future Surplus Site Planning Application
The PCC submits an outline planning application for residential development on the Acle Police Station site. This report is confidential as the paper includes commercial in confidence capital receipt figures.

2022-31 Emergency Services Collaboration Acle, Loddon & Sprowston -Use Of Fire Station Sites
The PCC approves the proposed use of the Acle, Loddon and Sprowston Fire Station sites, subject to the final lease terms being referred back to the PCC for approval. This report is confidential as the paper includes commercial in confidence revenue figures which are subject to future commercial negotiations.

2022-19 Norwich City Police Station (Bethel Street) Submission Of Planning Application
The PCC approves the submission of a Planning Application and a Listed Building Consent Application to Norwich City Council relating to future improvements to Norwich City Police Station. This report is confidential as the plans include police “Official Sensitive” information on operational use and activities in the premises.

2022-18 Hethersett Old Hall PDC – Year 2 Works To Barn & Main Hall Roof
The PCC approves the completion of works to the Barn and Main hall. This report is confidential as it breaks down estimated costs / budgets for elements of building work that would be advantageous to any prospective contractor tender bidders.

2022-17 Former North Lynn Police Station Sale Of Property- Release Of Restrictive Covenants
The PCC approves to pay a sum to release the site restrictive covenants, to advance the sale of the former North Lynn Police Station. The report contains commercial bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2022-16 Wells-Next-The-Sea Police Station Letting To HM Coastguard
The PCC approves the partnership use and part letting of Wells-next-the-Sea Police Station to HM Coastguard. The paper includes commercial in confidence rental figures which are still subject to contract and awaiting legal completion.

2022-15 Bodham Police Mast Letting
The PCC approves to let aerials rights at the PCC’s Bodham Mast to support the Home Office Emergency Services Network (ESN). The paper includes commercial in confidence rental figures which are still subject to contract and awaiting agreement legal completion.

2022-14 Wymondham- Waitrose Car Parking Review Of Lease
The PCC approves the renewal of the Waitrose Car Park lease for 1 year. The report contains details of a landlord and commercially sensitive estate management information.

2022-13 Tuckswood- Sale of Property
The PCC agreed to sell the former Tuckswood Police Station propertyThe report contains commercial bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2022-12 Former Stalham Police Land Proposed Sale Of Land
The PCC agreed to sell the former Stalham police site. The report contains commercial bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2022-11 Skid Pan, Seething Airfield Termination Of Lease
The PCC approves the termination of the Seething Skid Pan lease. The report contains details of a landlord and commercially sensitive estate management information.

2022-10 Norwich Airport Termination of Lease
The PCC approves the termination of the Norwich Airport lease. The report contains details of an ERSOU site and landlord / commercially sensitive estate management information.

2022-09 Hethersett Old Hall Planning Applications
The PCC approves the submission of the various Planning Applications for Hethersett Old Hall. This report is confidential as it relates to a package of works which will be subject to future estates contract tenders.

2022-08 Fakenham Police Station- Grant of new Lease
The PCC approves the grant of a new lease of separate accommodation at Fakenham Police Station. The report contains commercial lease terms for the grant of a lease to a tenant of a property, which are still subject to contract.


2021-56 Award of contract for 5 Force Digital Asset Management System (DAMS)
The PCC approved the award of a 5 Force Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) following agreement at the Eastern Region Summit. This decision is confidential as it contains commercial in confidence contract prices and tender information.

2021-47 Estates and Facilities Cleaning Contract Award
The PCC approved the award of the new cleaning contract. This decision is confidential as it contains commercial in confidence contract prices and tender information.

2021-46 Hethersett Old Hall School - Former Junior School Works and Planning Application
The PCC approved the submission of the Planning Application and the allocation of funding for the works. This report is confidential as it breaks down estimated costs / budgets for elements of building work that would be advantageous to any prospective contractor tender bidders.

2021-41 SEERPIC Liability Insurance Tender
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains commercial information in respect of the procurement processes run by 7 Forces Commercial Services on behalf of the 10 SEERPIC Forces.

2021-40 Former Police House - Estate Covenants, Trowse
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report relates to a private property and private address.

2021-39 Revised Lower Tender Price for Broadland Police Station
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains commercial in confidence financial information relating to the outcomes of a building tender.

2021-38 Planned Maintenance and Improvement Works, Thetford
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report includes commercial in confidence tender price submissions.

2021-37 Police Mast Rent Review - Caister On Sea
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains rental information which is commercial in confidence.

2021-36 Sale of Property, Swaffham
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2021-35 Sale of Property, Norwich
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2021-34 Sale of Property, King's Lynn
The PCC approved the decision notice. The report contains bids for property which are still subject to contract.

2021-24 Hethersett Old Hall School Works Progress Year 2
The PCC approved the decision notice. This decision is confidential as it breaks down estimated costs / budgets for elements of the site development that would be advantageous to any prospective bidders for the works.

2021-23 National Scenes of Crime Consumables
The PCC approved the award of the contract. This decision is confidential as it includes sensitive financial data.

2021-22 Forensic Case Management System
The PCC granted approval to enter into the contract. This decision is commercially sensitive.

2021-17 Broadland Gate - Award of Tender
The PCC approved the award of the Broadland Police Station estates construction contract. This report contains commercial in confidence financial information.

2021-14 Eastern Region ICT Convergence
The PCC approved the decision. This decision notice contains commercially sensitive information.

2021-12 ATHENA Contract Extension
The PCC approved the decision paper and authorised the Chief Executive to execute the contract documentation to give effect to the proposed agreement on his behalf. Details contained within the ATHENA contract and subsequent negotiations for contract extension are categorised as 'Commercially Sensitive'.

2020-49 Selected Medical Practitioner and IRMP
The PCC has approved the award of the Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) contract. This decision notice contains commercially sensitive information.

2020-46  Hurricane Way - Norwich Lease Renewal
The PCC approved the new lease renewal for Hurricane Way. This decision contains commercial property financial information.

2020-36  Safer Streets Funding
The PCC accepted the Safer Streets Fund Grant from the Home Office. The PCC for Norfolk was awarded £363,164 through the Streets Fund which provides funding to residential areas within England and Wales that are disproportionately affected by acquisitive crimes like burglary and theft, to invest in evidence-based preventative interventions. This report contains content relating to specific addresses and vulnerabilities within local communities.

2020-34 Holt Fire Station works to provide police premises  
The PCC approved that the building works are completed. The PCC has approved the completion of Building works. The report currently contains commercially sensitive tender information, to be reviewed following completion of contract.

2020-33 Section 22a National Agreement on Forensic Collision Investigation Network (FCIN)
The PCC signed the FCIN Section 22a document. The Forensic Collision Investigator Network (FCIN) has been created by policing to address the requirement of the Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) that the function be accredited to ISO 17020. Information contained in the report is supplied by or relating to bodies dealing with security matters.

2020-32 Broadland Gate - Submission of Planning Documentation
The PCC approved the submission of planning documents. This report contains commercially sensitive information.

2020-29 Police Education Qualification Framework - Approval to award 
The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) Policing Vision 2025 sets out a ten-year plan to transform policing.  It includes the need to attract and retain the best people to create a police service that is better equipped to deal with the challenging nature of crime.  Vision 2025 includes the introduction of a new Police Education Qualification Framework (PEQF).  The PCC has provided the seal of approval to proceed with the contract award to an educational provider to deliver the PEQF.

2020-25 Temporary Accomodation
The PCC approved the acquisition of a ‘Tenancy at Will’ for the use of temporary accommodation.  This information is exempt from publication as it is supplied by or relating to bodies dealing with security matters.

2020-24 Hethersett Old Hall School – Works Progress
The PCC approved the release of funds for the development of revised phased refurbishment building works.  This information is exempt from publication as it is classified as commercially sensitive.”

2020-22 Home Office Police Uplift and Covid-19 Support
The PCC authorised the PCC Chief Finance Officer to execute the agreement.

2020-20 Extension of Forensic Contracts
The PCC agreed to the extension of the contracts. 

2020-17 Internal Audit Contract Extension
Internal Audit Contract Extension regarding Single Tender Actions

2020-14 CED Tasers Home Office Grant Funding
The PCC approved the application to the Home Office for grant funding of additional CEDs/Tasers.

2020-06 Bodham Mast – Letting to Home Office (ESN)
The PCC approved the letting of aerial rights to the Home Office for Emergency Services Network support.

2020-05 Caister On Sea Mast - Letting Rights
The PCC approved the letting of aerial rights at Caister On Sea mast.

2020-04 Caister On Sea Police Station – Site Sale
The PCC approved the sale of the former Caister On Sea Police Station. The report details commercially sensitive information.

2020-03 Contract for Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources
The PCC approved entering into a contract for the provision of temporary agency staff. The report contains commercially sensitive information.

2020-02 ERSOU Estate
The PCC confirmed approval for the purchase of the property as part of the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit estate. This information is supplied by or relating to bodies dealing with security matters.PCC has approved the award of the Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) contract.  This decision notice contains commercially sensitive information

2020-06 Bodham Mast – Letting to Home Office (ESN)
The PCC approved the letting of aerial rights to the Home Office for Emergency Services Network support.

2019-71 Estates – Bowthorpe Police Station – site sale
The PCC approved the sale of the former station.

2019-70 Estates – Hethersett Old Hall School – offer bid
The PCC approved the submission of an offer for the site.

2019-69 Chief Constable’s Contract of Employment
The PCC has approved a years extension to the Chief Constable’s contract until October 2021.

2019-67 Eastern Investigation Hub – submission of planning application
The PCC approved the purchase of a new site for the Eastern Investigation Hub and submission of a planning application.

2019-66 Airwave Radio Handset Refresh – Refresh
The PCC approved the purchase of new Airwave handsets for the force.

2019-62 Force printing through multi-functional devices and the Suffolk bulk print facility
The PCC approved the provision of printing services for the force.

2019-59 Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service – Appointment of Provider
The PCC authorised the Chief Executive to enter into a contract for the provision of the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care service.

2019-56  Badger House – New Lease
The PCC approved the new lease of Badger House.

2019-55  Hurricane Way – Lease Renewal
The PCC approved the new lease.

2019-54  Holt & Reepham Fire Station Works – New Building Tender
The PCC approved the tender submission.

2019-53  Bowthorpe Police Station – Site sale
The PCC approved the sale of the former Bowthorpe Police Station.

2019-51  PFI Custody Project
The PCC formally approved the refinancing of the PFI custody project.

2019-49  Regional Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) – Section 22a Variation Agreement
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner executed the renewals and variations of existing collaboration agreements.

2019-48  Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit (ERSOU) Section 22a RIPA Agreement – Addendum
The PCC approved the addendum to the Section 22a agreement for ERSOU RIPA.

2019-46  Single Online Home – Amendment to the existing Section 22a Agreement
The PCC approved the additional amendments to the Section 22a agreement for Single Online Home (SOH).

2019-45  Joint Information Management – Section 22a Variation Agreement
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner executed the renewals of existing collaboration agreements in respect of Joint Information Management.

2019-44  Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Agreement – Third Agreement
The PCC approved to enter into the Third Collaboration Agreement in respect of the Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme.

2019-43  Estates – Wymondham OCC Mast
The PCC agreed to grant a new lease for use of the communications mast at the Operations and Command Centre in Wymondham.

2019-42  Fire Station Works to Provide Police Premises Building Tender – Holt and Reepham
The PCC noted the current position, approved the outline budget needs and requested for the Head of Estates to re-tender to appoint a new contractor.

2019-40  Planned Maintenance Update
The PCC approved the estates work for 2019/20.

2019-39  Reepham Police Station Lease – Break Notice
The PCC approved the termination of the Reepham Police Station lease.

2019-38  Holt Police Station – Legal Boundary Adjustment
The PCC approved the legal boundary adjustment.

2019-37  Europa Way Stores – Norwich Lease Rent Review
The PCC approved the rent review recommendations.

2019-36  Section 22a Collaboration Agreement – Joint Athena Hub
The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner executed the Agreement to Collaborate.

2019-34  Hunstanton Police Station Mast Lease
The PCC approved the completion of a new lease.

2019-33  Estates – Western Hub Building Tenders
The PCC approved the award of the estates works.

2019-32  National Police Collaboration Agreement
The PCC authorised the OPCCN Chief Executive to execute a national collaboration agreement in relation to investigatory powers.

2019-31  Variation to the Integrated Offender Management Section 22a Collaboration Agreement
The PCC approved the renewal of the existing collaboration agreement in respect of Joint Offender Management.

2019-30  Variation to the Joint Professional Standards Department Section 22a Collaboration Agreement
The PCC approved the renewal of the existing collaboration agreement in respect of the Joint Professional Standards Department.

2019-27  Single Online Home (SOH) Section 22a
The PCC signed the S22a to maintain the service.

2019-26  Loddon – Local SNT Base Relocation
The PCC approved the relocation to Loddon Fire Station.

2019-25  Europa Way Store – Norwich
The PCC approved ‘holding over’ the lease following lease expiry.

2019-24  Wells-next-the-Sea Police Station
The PCC approved the partnership use of the station.

2019-22  Norfolk 2020 – Estates Strategy 
The PCC approved the build option be put out to public tender.

2019-20  Sale of Police House 
The PCC agreed to proceed with the sale.

2019-10  Wymondham OCC Car Park Agreement – Temporary Use of Spaces
The PCC approved the temporary acquisition of spaces.

2019-09  Tuckswood Police Station
The PCC approved the planned disposal of the site.

2019-08  Wymondham OCC Car Park & Security Works Tender
The PCC approved the proposed works.

2019-07  Holt & Reepham, Fire Station Works
The PCC approved the tender submissions to extend the Holt and Reepham Fire Stations to provide new police accommodation.

2019-06  Firearms Unit – Planning Application for Portakabins
The PCC approved the decision to submit a planning application to relocate some existing portakabins.

2019-04  Norfolk 2020 Estates Strategy – Broadland Eastern Hub Plans
The PCC approved the completion of negotiations to purchase the recommended site.

2019-01 7 Forces Collaboration – Procurement
The PCC agrees to entering into a collaboration agreement for the delivery of a single procurement function across the policing areas of Bedfordshire, Cambrigeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk.

2018-26  Car Park and Security Works Tender 
The PCC agreed the award of a build contract.

2018-25  Tuckswood Police Station Norwich – Future Disposal
The PCC approved the planned disposal of the site.

2018-24  Estates – Building Access Control System 
The PCC agreed to the upgrading of building access control systems for the police estate.

2018-23  Norfolk 2020 Estates Strategy – Swaffham Western Hub Plans
The PCC approved the submission of a planning application for the proposed Swaffham – Western Hub premises.

2018-16  Estates Strategy 
The PCC approved a termination of a lease arrangement at Vantage House, Norwich.

2018-13  Joint Strategic, Business and Operational Services Section 22A Collaboration Agreement
The Chief Executive (on behalf of the PCC) has signed a Section 22a collaboration agreement.

2018-11  Estates Strategy 
The PCC approved the submission of a planning application relating to Wymondham OCC.

2018-10  Estates Strategy 
The PCC approves the part use of Kings Lynn Police Station with the Home Office.

2018-09  Estates Strategy 
The PCC approved a renewal of the lease arrangements to Carmelite House.

2018-08  Section 22a Collaboration Agreement – Seven Force Firearms Training 
The PCC approved entering in to a collaboration agreement across the Seven Forces (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk) in relation to the provision of a Firearms, Training and Compliance Function. 

2018-07  Section 22a Collaboration Agreement – Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund Programme 
The PCC has authorised the Chief Executive to execute the collaboration agreement that has been produced nationally in relation to the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund.

2018-06 Section 22a Collaboration Agreements – Norfolk and Suffolk 
The PCC has approved the renewal of two collaboration agreements, in relation to Joint Professional Standards and Joint Information Management for periods of one year each.

2017-29  Strategic Governance Board – 19 December 2017
The PCC made a number of decisions based on the content of reports submitted to the meeting.

2017-28  Section 22a Collaboration Agreement
The PCC has signed a Section 22a collaboration agreement which was due for renewal on 1 April 2017.

2017-24  Section 22a Collaboration Agreements
The Chief Executive (on behalf of the PCC) has signed a number of Section 22a collaboration agreements which were due for renewal on 31 August 2017.

2017-17 Contract of Employment – Chief Constable
The PCC extended the Chief Constable’s contract of employment to Autumn 2020.

2017-16 Section 22a Collaboration Agreement
The PCC has signed a number of Section 22a collaboration agreements which were due for renewal on 31 May 2017.

2017-15 Strategic Governance Board – 23 March 2017
The PCC made a number of decisions based on the content of reports submitted to the meeting.

2017-04 Operation Moonshot
After a successful pilot, the PCC has provided a financial contribution to the infrastructure costs of establishing a permanent Operation Moonshot team. The team’s focus is to disrupt criminals, prevent crime and recover stolen property.

2017-03 Deed of variation – Project Athena
The PCC agreed to grant authority to the Chief Executive to execute the deed of variation to vary the original contracts between the provider and the nine Project Athena local policing bodies.

2017-01 Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Agreement – Second Agreement
The PCC agreed to enter into a second collaboration agreement with other forces to work together on the Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme.

2016-14 Energy Procurement
The PCC has made a confidential decision to retain purchasing arrangements with regards to energy procurement.

2016-03 Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme
The Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables for the seven police areas in the Eastern Region and Kent have agreed to work together upon a programme of collaboration to be known as the Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme.

2015-22 Business Support Functions Operating Model
As part of the collaborative Norfolk and Suffolk programme of change, and as a result of the Shared Services Partnership business case not being agreed by the Collaboration Panel in April 2014, the PCC has approved the business case for a Business Support Functions Operating Model.

2014-41 Sale of former police station
As part of the Constabulary’s Estates Strategy, the PCC has approved the sale of Old Sheringham Police Station.

2014-14 Serious and Organised Crime – Force Collaboration
The PCC agreed to enter into a collaboration agreement with other forces to deliver an increased response to serious and organised crime.

2013-28 Consultants – Norfolk and Suffolk Collaboration
The PCC approved and signed a paper to retain consultants in the future development of collaborative services between Norfolk and Suffolk. The consultants were retained after an open competitive tender process.

2013-27 Advice on Police/Fire Collaboration
The PCC accepted the recommendations from the Chief Constable, Chief Fire Officer and County Council that consultants are procured, to obtain independent advice on Police/Fire Collaboration, through an Invitation to Tender document.

2013-21 Exemption to Contract Standing Orders
The Head of Staff, under delegated powers from The PCC agreed on 30th July, to the exemption from Contract Standing Orders in relation to two Treasury Management contracts.

2013-20 Sale of former police house
The Head of Staff, under delegated powers from the PCC, has agreed to the sale of a police house, following the completion of the appropriate bidding process.

2013-15 Collaboration agreement between Norfolk and Suffolk
The PCC has approved/signed a revised contract of employment for the ACO(R) consequent on a revised role allocation following a new S22A collaboration agreement between Suffolk and Norfolk.

2013-12 Exemption from Contract Standing Orders
The Head of Staff, under delegated powers from The PCC agreed on 9th May 2013, to the exemption from Contract Standing Orders in order to procure a Health Needs Assessment and to create a User Requirement Specification in relation to Forensic Medical Services.

2013-11 Early Release of Chief Constable / Appointment of Temporary Chief Constable
The Chief Constable, Mr P Gormley, has been offered and has accepted the role of Deputy Director of the new to be established National Crime Agency (NCA). It will only formally vest on 6th October 2013. Therefore he will be seconded to the Home Office meantime. The shadow organisation has requested early release of Mr Gormley from his contractual period of notice. The PCC has agreed to that, and determined Temporary appointments to cover pro tem. He has also authorised the Head of Staff in OPCCN to negotiate the secondment and make any other consequential amendments/new provisions to facilitate the changes. Because these relate to personal contractual details, the precise nature of these are confidential/restricted.

2013-10 Insurance Provision
The Head of Staff (under delegated powers from the PCC) signed on 12th April, a contract in relation to insurance services.

2013-09 Exemption to Contract Standing Orders
The PCC agreed on 8th April 2013, to the exemption from Contract Standing Orders for a year’s contract with an energy agent.

2013-08 Lease Changes
A number of Police Estates leases have been reviewed and the changes agreed by the Head of Staff, under delegated powers, on behalf of the PCC.

2013-03 Deployment of officer to UKFPU for World Cup fixture
The PCC has approved the deployment of an officer to a United Kingdom Football Policing Unit (UKFPU) policing operation at San Marino v England World Cup qualifying fixture on 22/03/2013.

2013-01 Confidential Decision relating to staff pensions
The Police and Crime Commissioner made a decision in relation to outstanding claims and liabilities on individual staff members relating to Pensions.