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Project ADDER

What is Project ADDER? 

Project ADDER (Addiction, Diversion, Disruption, Enforcement and Recovery) is a joint initiative funded by the Home Office, the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office for Health Inequalities and Disparities (formally Public Health England). 


The programme aims to get more people into effective treatment, with enhanced treatment and recovery provision, including housing and employment support, and improved communication between treatment providers and courts, prisons, and hospitals.

The overarching aims:

  • A reduction in drug related reoffending amongst prolific offenders
  • Increase in the numbers of drug users engaging in treatment
  • Increases in those achieving and sustaining recovery
  • A reduction in drug supply
  • Reduced costs for local health services and police forces due to lower health and crime harms
  • Lower costs to the criminal justice system
  • Increase in number of young and vulnerable people safeguarded.

How does it work?

The ADDER team is made up of staff from the police, drug and alcohol service providers and the Youth Justice Service who work together to divert people away from the criminal justice system and give them access to high quality treatment and recovery services. 

Physical and mental health services also work alongside the team to address health issues and a range of other agencies provide support around housing, employment, education and other social issues.

What next for ADDER?

The pilot programme ran for three years in the Greater Norwich area and finished in March 2023. After a successful three-year pilot, a decision was made to fund the programme for a further two years from our national funding allocation. The programme will now run until March 2025 and will roll out across the county.

To do this our treatment provider, Change, Grow, Live (CGL), will be forming a county wide Criminal Justice Team that will deliver the programme across the county.