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Report a concern

If you have concerns about someone being radicalised, please contact the services below or complete the referral form. If it is an emergency, always dial 999. 

You can contact the local Norfolk Police Prevent team on 01953 423905 /01953 423896 and the Norfolk County Council Children’s Services Advice Centre (CADS) on 0344 800 8021 (internal) or via Norfolk County Council Customer Services 0344 800 8020 (external) - all are well placed to provide advice and support. If it is an emergency, please dial 999.

Download the Referral Form here

Email it to (a copy is automatically sent to the assessment hub within Norfolk County Council Children’s Services Advice Centre where the Prevent Team work closely alongside the police and other partners to safeguard vulnerable individuals). If you have any general queries, please email

Please remember we value your concerns, do not be put off by thinking you will be wasting our time - it's best to act early and make contact with us.

Notice-Check-Share: Prevent training packages