Reducing offending
Norfolk’s Reducing Offending Board, chaired by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN)’s Head of Prevention and Rehabilitation, is a ground-breaking new partnership that places an emphasis on early intervention to prevent individuals, particularly children and young people, from becoming involved in offending in the first place and by working to reduce reoffending amongst those who do offend.
The causes of crime are complex. Poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse can be connected to why people break the law. The OPCCN recognises that tackling the key issues at the root of offending behaviour requires action on the part of a broad range of agencies.
CLINKS and other critical friends support local partners in the delivery of Norfolk’s Reducing Offending Framework, therefore not only considering the role of the criminal justice sector but the wider role of other statutory, community, voluntary and private sector organisations in preventing and reducing offending behaviour, building upon the excellent work of the Probation Service.
Placing the voice of people in the criminal justice system and others on the margins of society is very much at the heart of Norfolk’s Reducing Offending Board. We are pleased to be working in partnership with User Voice.
Our services
The people we support are often in complex situations requiring intensive support. We have developed a wide range of services to help them overcome issues which are holding them back.