The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) holds the Chief Constable to account for the policing service delivered in Norfolk in a number of ways. With the support of staff from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN), your PCC ensures an efficient and effective police service is delivered by the Chief Constable to the people of Norfolk.
Your PCC sets objectives for tackling crime and disorder in Norfolk through a Police and Crime Plan. Your PCC also monitors the performance of your police force for the delivery of this plan, ensuring things are done in the right way and discharges their statutory responsibilities through the following processes:
PCC Accountability Meeting
- Your PCC chairs regular formal meetings with the Chief Constable of Norfolk Constabulary to hold him to account for the policing service delivered in the county.
- These meetings are known as the PCC Accountability Meeting.
- Your PCC sets Norfolk’s policing priorities in the Police and Crime Plan and monitors how the Constabulary is performing against those priorities.
- Other areas scrutinised include how the police budget is being spent, financial planning for the future and updates on major police investigations and initiatives.
- These are held quarterly in the OPCCN meeting room in Wymondham and are open to the public.
- More information, along with the agenda and minutes of meetings, is provided on our PCC Accountability Meeting page.
Strategic Deep Dive Workshops
- As part of your PCC's new scrutiny framework, the PCC chairs strategic deep dive workshops every six weeks. These replace the previous quarterly Strategic Governance Board meetings.
- Strategic deep dive workshops focus on a specific policing priority of the PCC's choosing. The Chief Constable, chief officers and subject matter experts attend to discuss and make strategic decisions on key topics. External organisations will be invited to attend to provide insight and best practice on the topic area.
- Areas discussed include key police and crime issues and future planning. These are held every six weeks in the OPCCN meeting room in Wymondham.
- Summaries of previous Strategic Governance Board meetings can be found below.
Estates Site Visits
- As part of your PCC's new scrutiny framework, the PCC will be undertaking monthly site visits to policing estates across Norfolk. These replace the previous quarterly Estates Governance Board meetings.
- Your PCC will be accompanied by Norfolk Constabulary representatives who will provide the PCC with updates on the policing site being visited.
- The OPCCN records any decisions made at these site visits, these can be found on our Decision Notices webpage.
Norfolk Constabulary Estates Plan 2022 - 2025
Norfolk Constabulary Carbon Reduction and Environmental Action Plan 2022-2025
Norfolk Constabulary Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
- HMICFRS independently assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces and fire and rescue services across the country.
- They evaluate policing across a range of activities, from neighbourhood teams to serious crime and the fight against terrorism, and publish reports highlighting how well the police force has performed.
- HMICFRS conducts regular assessments of the police functions being delivered by Norfolk Constabulary and publishes their performance. Other reports are based on a specific theme or national issue, such as Cyber Crime.
- Your PCC has a duty to review and respond to the Home Secretary in relation to these assessments and reports and their findings. These are published on our Audits and Inspections page.
- Your PCC also monitors progress of these findings and any recommendations or areas for improvement through briefing reports prepared by the Chief Constable for the PCC Accountability Meeting and Strategic Governance Board.
- Current inspection ratings can be found on our Audits and Inspections page.
Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panel
- Your PCC is represented on a joint panel with Suffolk OPCC colleagues to independently scrutinise the use of out of court disposals by Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies to check their appropriate use and to increase transparency.
- Along with police officers, the panel consists of key partners including the Head of Criminal Justice, Crown Prosecutors and Bench Magistrates.
- The panel ensures that the use of out of court disposals is appropriate and proportionate, consistent with national and local policy and considers the victims’ wishes where appropriate.
- The panel meets quarterly to review and discuss case files as a group. Decisions are recorded to inform potential changes in policy or practice and officers receive feedback from the panel as points of learning.
Scrutiny Panel meeting reports
Ethics and Transparency Board
- Your PCC is represented on a working group with officers and staff from Norfolk Constabulary and the Independent Advisory Group to raise ethical issues for consideration.
- Outcomes of discussions are fed back to the Constabulary to inform policy and procedures which can change the way Norfolk Constabulary conducts its business.
- Your PCC is also committed to abiding by the code of conduct they signed upon taking up office and ensuring they hold the Chief Constable to account for promoting ethical behaviour and embedding the College of Policing’s Code of Ethics.
Police complaints and misconduct
- Your PCC works with the Chief Constable to make sure the policing service received by communities in Norfolk is professional, effective and efficient.
- Quarterly meetings are held with Norfolk Constabulary representatives and the Independent Office for Police Conduct to look at trends and performance of police complaints handling.
- Your PCC is responsible for monitoring how the Constabulary handles complaints against its officers and staff. They are not involved in the investigation of such complaints.
- Your PCC has a statutory duty to consider complaints against the Chief Constable. If you wish to make a formal complaint against the Chief Constable details can be found on our Complaints page.
- Anyone unhappy with the way that Norfolk Constabulary has dealt with their complaint has the right to ask for a review of the outcome. Depending on the circumstances, the request will be considered by the Local Policing Body who is either the PCC or the Independent Office for Police Conduct, further information can be found on our Complaints page.
- There is a statutory requirement for the Local Policing Body to appoint Legally Qualified Chairs and Independent Members to police misconduct hearings and police appeals tribunals. Working with other regional OPCCs, recruitment and selection of these members for hearings and tribunals held within the Eastern Region is made on a fair and transparent basis.
- Police Appeals Tribunals (PATs) hear appeals against the findings of gross misconduct brought by police officers or special constables. PATs are currently governed by Police Appeals Tribunal Rules 2020. Members of the public can attend appeal hearings as observers but are not allowed to participate in proceedings. The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Norfolk is responsible for facilitation and appointing the chair to conduct the proceedings.
Independent Custody Visiting
- Your PCC has a statutory responsibility to establish and manage an Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.
- Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are members of the local community who volunteer to visit Norfolk’s Police Investigation Centres (PICs), unannounced and in pairs, to check the treatment and welfare of detainees and deliver effective oversight to ensure a safe environment while providing public reassurance.
- They play a valuable role in maintaining public confidence in this important area of policing.
- There is a panel of visitors allocated to each of the four Norfolk PICs (Aylsham, Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn and Wymondham) who make visits on a weekly basis to make sure that detainees are treated fairly and with respect.
- A short report of their findings is made prior to leaving the PIC which provides assurance for the PCC that anyone arrested by the police and held in custody is treated fairly and has access to appropriate facilities. Copies of the reports are provided for the police and the ICVs’ local panel for discussion and follow-up.
- Each year, an annual report is published for the local community to inform and reassure them about how people are treated whilst in police custody.
Public question and answer events
- Your PCC also holds regular sessions around the county for members of the public to receive policing updates for their district.
- You can put your questions, observations and concerns in person to the PCC, Chief Constable and your District Commander.
- Due to the coronavirus situation, public events are currently postponed until further notice. Updates will be published in due course.