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Search results for “domestic abuse”

Families get new funding to address harmful behaviours

(NYJS) Norfolk County Council’s Children’s Services (NCS) Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (NIDAS; managed by Leeway) Brave Futures Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) This will support the aims

New domestic abuse service for Norfolk launches

domestic abuse service will be launching in Norfolk today, providing joined-up support for those experiencing domestic abuse and helping their journey to freedom. Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) will offer free, confidential, and non-judgemental support to those affected

Vital funding secured for domestic abuse and sexual violence services in Norfolk

Nearly £250,000 worth of funding has been secured for organisations across the county to help and support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence during the pandemic. The ‘extraordinary Covid-19’ fund has been released by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and will be managed

Volunteers needed for domestic abuse panel

People with lived experience of domestic abuse are being invited to join a special panel to help select the right organisation(s) to provide support services to victims and survivors in the county.  The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN

Workplace pledge to help those affected by domestic abuse could help thousands across Norfolk

Tens of thousands of employees who may be affected by domestic abuse are getting access to vital help and support thanks to a pledge signed by workplaces across Norfolk.

Older Person Independent Domestic Violence Adviser

It is a false assumption that domestic abuse ceases beyond a certain age and those aged 61+ have historically been considered ‘hidden’ victims. Recently there has been momentum to understand the scale of the problem. It is reported by Safelives

Multi-agency review recommendations to help make future safer for domestic abuse victims

abuse is identified and responded to effectively at the earliest opportunity. The partnership will continue to raise awareness of how to access help and support for all forms of domestic abuse and encourage reporting – everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home and live a life free

Workplace pledge to help employees affected by domestic abuse could help thousands

A workplace pledge to help employees affected by domestic abuse has marked its third-year anniversary with nearly 100 sign-ups from organisations across Norfolk. The HEAR Pledge was launched three years ago on 25 November 2020 to mark national White Ribbon Day in a bid

Domestic abuse victims reassured help is still available

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) would like to reassure victims and survivors of domestic abuse that we will maintain the highest level of service possible during this challenging time. Alongside all our partners, including

Scheme to help victims of domestic abuse access help is rolled out across Norfolk

Victims of domestic abuse are being urged to use the code ‘Ask Ani’ at a number of pharmacies across Norfolk by the police, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office, councils and health organisations to enable them to get access to help. The Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) scheme