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Search results for “domestic abuse”

Making a difference - our commissioned services in 2019

. An overview of the impact of some of our commissioned services in 2019. During 2019, those projects and services provided emotional and practical support to thousands of victims of crime. They helped protect those at risk of abuse and exploitation, and raise awareness of domestic violence

PCC supports awareness campaign to help victims of modern slavery in Norfolk

with women and children affected by domestic abuse – received a £214,687 grant to run its three-year ‘Phoenix Project’ which supports off-street sex workers who may be vulnerable to human trafficking or modern slavery. National charity St Giles also

Final police accountability meeting of current PCC term provides opportunity 'to take stock'

’s policing service, as well as activity aimed at reducing the harm caused by domestic abuse by targeting perpetrators. Speaking after the meeting, PCC Lorne Green said: “As we are coming to the end of another financial year, and indeed my term as Norfolk’s Police and Crime

Together, we can tackle child abuse

Norfolk PCC is supporting a campaign alongside Norfolk County Council,  Norfolk Constabulary and the other members of the Norfolk Children’s Safeguarding Board as part of a national Department for Education campaign “Together, we can tackle child abuse

Norfolk’s PCC and Chief Constable address policing and crime questions

using particular policing powers including stop and search and when attending potential domestic abuse incidents. “Whenever we are gathering evidence cameras should be switched on,” he added. “We do carry out dip samples and if they are found not to be on we are asking why that is the case

Vital service to help victims of sexual abuse in the county to be launched

’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green is encouraging suitable organisations to bid to provide a specialist service to support victims and survivors of sexual abuse in the county. The service will run over five years and will help adult and child victims of sexual abuse, including survivors

Youth Commission

Following the first national lockdown, the Youth Commission launched a six-month long project to gauge the main concerns of young people during the pandemic. The report was published in late December 2020 with domestic abuse highlighted as a top area of concern. The Youth Commission launched

PCC poses your questions to Norfolk’s Chief Constable

to respond to the questions. The constabulary were asked about numbers of serving officers with convictions for sexual harassment, sexual and domestic abuse. Paul Sanford advised that no officers with convictions for such offences were serving. He also told the meeting that in the last five

Criminal justice partners commended for efforts during pandemic

with throughout the pandemic as usual. Cases involving domestic abuse and vulnerable victims have been through a triage system introduced by the courts, working with the police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to enable appropriate cases to be heard remotely via video link while magistrates’ courts were

A message from your Police and Crime Commissioner

increases yet to be agreed. The impact of inflation on the costs of supplies and services purchased. The volume of high harm crimes such as domestic abuse and sexual offences, which require a highly skilled, high-tech responses to successfully investigate crimes and provide support to victims. Every