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Police and Crime Plan 2025/29 Consultation

Sarah Taylor was elected to serve as your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in May 2024.

PCCs are directly elected to be the voice of the people to deliver on the people’s priorities. They are responsible for holding the Chief Constable to account to ensure the priorities are being met – supporting the Constabulary to continue delivering the service people expect and need, but also challenging when required and representing the residents they serve.

One of her primary responsibilities is to publish a Police and Crime Plan. The plan will set out what Norfolk Constabulary’s priorities must be over the next four years, in order to keep Norfolk residents safe. As your PCC, Sarah now wants to hear from Norfolk residents about what your priorities are for preventing crime and policing effectively, so that these views can guide the Police and Crime Plan.

The PCC’s Office is also responsible for managing the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership. This partnership reduces crime and disorder in Norfolk by working with other organisations like Norfolk County Council and local councils, Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, the Integrated Care Board and the Probation Service. To make sure that the Partnership’s work continues to reflect local needs it has been agreed to have one consultation, designed to collect the information required by both the PCC and the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership. Please take the time to consider the information in this document and have your say.

The consultation will run from Monday 2 September to Friday 1 November.

A message from the PCC

PCC Sarah Taylor - head and shouldersAs your Police and Crime Commissioner, I am responsible for holding the Chief Constable to account for operational policing and to bring the voice of our local communities, and victims of crime, into policing. One of the ways I will achieve this is by developing a Police and Crime Plan that takes account of the priorities for policing and preventing crime that matter to you.

When you take part in my survey, I will be able to use your responses to inform the development of my Police and Crime Plan.

This plan will set out the policing objectives for the county for the next four years and will demonstrate how I, as your PCC, will work with other key stakeholders and partners to help keep Norfolk safe.

This is your chance to have your say and to make your voice heard about what matters most to you. I’m keen to hear from as many people across Norfolk as possible, so please do take the opportunity to share what you believe should be the priorities for our county and for our police service.

What I am asking

This is your chance to have your say and to make your voice heard.

1. Take time to look at the ten proposed priorities and tell me which you think are the most important.

2. Tell me if there is anything else you would like to see in my plan.

The new Police and Crime Plan for Norfolk will be implemented in April 2025.

Proposed priorities

1 - Focus on Prevention

Reduce the level of crime being committed in Norfolk, by helping and supporting those at risk of offending, and those who have already offended, whether they are adults, children or young people.

2 - Restore Trust and Confidence in Policing across Norfolk

Ensure the police are serving their communities in a visible, accessible, and transparent way, and supporting victims of crime with respect and dignity.

3 - Improving Road Safety

Reduce the number of people killed or suffering life-changing injuries on Norfolk’s roads, regardless of how or where we travel or for what purpose.

4 - Tackling Extremism and Community Tensions

Safeguard and support members of the community to stop them becoming radicalised or promoting violent extremism, and work with communities to protect them from becoming susceptible to violent extremism.

5 - Making Norfolk Streets Safer

ensure that all residents of and visitors to Norfolk feel safe on our streets, including tackling serious violence, anti-social behaviour, and hate crime.

6 - Effective Criminal Justice System

Working with the Criminal Justice System to achieve timely justice, and ensure victims are supported appropriately through that system.

7 - Support for Victims

Support for victims to recover from their experiences and to cope in their daily lives. This includes specialist services for victims of domestic abuse and serious sexual offences.

8 - Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls

keep people across the county safe: in their homes, workplaces and places of leisure, from harassment, stalking, rape, sexual assault, murder, honour-based abuse, and coercive controlling behaviour.

9 - Improving Rural Response

Providing a better response to rural crime, including increasing crime prevention and better access to services for victims in rural areas.

10 - Organised Crime and Criminal Exploitation

Disrupt organised crime groups and work in partnership to reduce the crime and harm from the supply and distribution of drugs, fraud, human trafficking, modern slavery and shoplifting to order.


Have your say

Please click on the link below to take part in the Police and Crime Plan 2025/29 Consultation to have your say.

Police and Crime Plan 2025/29 Consultation