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Police and Crime Plan 2025-29

It is part of the job of every PCC to publish a plan setting out how they will oversee policing in their county, manage budgets and provide support services for victims.

On this page you will find information on the Police and Crime Plan 2025-29 set by PCC Sarah Taylor for her term.

The plan represents Sarah's commitment to Norfolk residents about how their policing service will be delivered and managed as well as the provision of support for victims, crime prevention work and extensive partnership working that brings together services and prioritises safety for every resident in the county.

PCC Sarah Taylor

PCC Sarah Taylor

The Police and Crime Plan was developed following a public consultation which asked people about their priorities for policing and safety in Norfolk and with the input of partners including Norfolk Constabulary’s Chief Constable.

Sarah said: “The Police and Crime Plan has been shaped by the priorities you've shared with me. This is very much your Plan, and I want you to be a part of it. I'm looking forward to working alongside you."

What is in the plan?

Sarah’s plan sets out three priorities which detail what he expects Norfolk Constabulary to deliver over the next four years and how, through a network of partnership, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) will ensure the right support is available for Norfolk’s  communities.

The three priorities fall into the following categories, with detailed objectives and commitments under each one featured in the plan:

  • Preventing crime
  • Cohesive communities
  • Reducing harm

Read more about the priorities