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Partners work together during COVID-19 lockdown to help victims of domestic abuse through live Q&A event

Domestic abuse victims and survivors or those who know someone who is a victim of abuse will have the opportunity to speak with key service providers from across the police, children’s services, adult safeguarding, charity and health sectors in a live Q&A event being launched on Wednesday 6 May 2020.

Norfolk Police, working in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN), Children’s Social Care and Children’s Services, the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board Adult, domestic abuse charity Leeway, housing and NHS services are taking part in the event - enabling the public to ask questions about domestic abuse and services for victims and survivors in Norfolk.

The public are able to send us questions in advance of the event or via the live web Q&A from 3pm on the day where representatives from across the partnership will be able to offer expert answers and helpful advice, including signposting to available services. Partners will look at using the live Q&A facility to engage in other key areas following the outcome of this event.

The event is being held during a challenging time when we know those who are vulnerable can be more at risk and we want to reassure victims and survivors that they are not alone.

Many people are more likely to be online and we want to ensure people know that they do not need to suffer in silence.

Earlier this month Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Lorne Green held a virtual meeting with specialist domestic abuse and sexual violence providers in Norfolk in a bid to offer continued reassurance and support.

“We are all committed to doing everything we can to help our communities during such difficult days," said Lorne.

“It is vital we therefore use all the tools we have at hand – including interactive social media platforms - to spread the message far and wide that domestic abuse services remain open and operational in our county.

“My office has been, and continues to work tirelessly to ensure support is in place to help those in most need in Norfolk. This on-line session is another valuable service for people to gain advice and information about domestic abuse support whether for themselves or a loved one they are concerned about.

“I want those individuals who need help and support to know they have not been forgotten, help is available and we are here to support you.”

Detective Inspector Alix Wright said: “We know people will be feeling particularly vulnerable at home during lockdown. For some, home can be more like a prison where they are more at risk from abuse.

“We would like to reassure victims and survivors that the police are still here and will deal with any incidents robustly, you are not alone. We are hoping to reach people who may be more likely to be at home with access online or perhaps neighbours, family or friends who are worried about somebody.

“Working alongside partners means we can help answer questions and signpost services people may not be aware of who are still available to help people irrespective of coronavirus.”

If you need to speak to someone about domestic abuse then please call 999 in an emergency or to make a report to police, call 101.

Silent Solution

The Silent Solution system helps filter out accidental or hoax 999 calls from those who need genuine police assistance.

If you are calling from a mobile phone and speaking or making an immediate sound would put you in danger and you need immediate help, call 999 and stay on the line, then press 55 when prompted and the call will be transferred to the police, who will know it is an emergency call.

If you are calling from a landline, Silent Solution does not apply as it is less likely to call 999 by accident. If an emergency call is made and no one speaks and only background noise is heard and an operator does not know whether an emergency service is needed, you will be connected to a police call handler.

Information about where you are calling from on a landline will be automatically available to call handlers to help provide a police response.

Visit the OPCCN help and support page for more information on help numbers for organisations and charities that can offer tailored DA support or visit the Norfolk Police or Norfolk County Council websites for more information.

To access the live Q&A visit from 3pm on Wednesday May 6. If you would like to ask a question in advance of the event you can use the same link but please note questions will not be answered until the event time and date.