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Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner seeks volunteers as it bids farewell to one its youngest Independent Custody Visitors

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCCN) is calling out for volunteers as one of its youngest Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) has decided to leave following 13 months of service.

Olivia Khan joined us when she was just 22 years old, and having graduated from university with a Criminology degree, she was able to utilise her skills and knowledge to provide a fantastic service to detained individuals in custody.

Olivia is leaving us having been successful in her application to be an Investigator within the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

The team at the OPCCN arranged a small leaving presentation as a thank you for her service as an ICV, where Chief Executive, Mark Stokes, presented Olivia with a certificate and wished her well for her future career.

Mark said: “I am so proud that one of our valued volunteers has been able to take their experience as an Independent Custody Visitor and use it to create the start of a promising career.”

Simon Atherton, ICV Scheme Manager at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk, said: “Recruitment and retention of volunteers is always a challenge, and I have been impressed with how Olivia has managed regular ICV visits as well as full-time work and further study to allow her to successfully gain her investigators post.

“She has been a fantastic member of our Aylsham team, and we wish her every success going forwards.”

With Olivia’s departure, we have some space for people who are interested in volunteering to become an Independent Custody Visitor.

ICVs are members of the local community who volunteer to visit Norfolk’s Police Investigation Centres, unannounced and in pairs, to check the treatment and welfare of detainees and deliver effective oversight to ensure a safe environment while providing public reassurance.

If this is something you are interested in, find out more:

 Custody Visiting

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