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Norfolk's PCC backs initiative to Stop Hate in Norfolk

A relaunch of the Stop Hate in Norfolk (SHIN) initiative sees an overwhelming message to the people of Norfolk to take a stand against hate incidents.

The initiative has been updated for 2020, with a fresh new logo and an emphasis on making Norfolk as safe as possible. Norfolk is a safe county but sadly, hate incidents do happen.

Hate incidents can take many forms, with some more obvious than others. Although physical violence, verbal abuse, online abuse are common, other forms of hate incidents are on the increase. SHIN aims to encourage more people to report incidents of hate and to give them the confidence to come forward.

There are approximately 1200 hate incidents each year in the county. However, around 80% of incidents of this nature are not reported.

Stop Hate in Norfolk campaign banner

Supporting the re-launch of the initiative, Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green, said: “When I became PCC, I made it clear from day one that I would not tolerate any form of hate incidents. The only thing I hate is hate itself, and it is vital we unite together against hate incidents and continue to build on the good work which has taken place since the original launch of Stop Hate in Norfolk.

“We live in unsettling times and it is crucial people feel reassured and are confident to report what they have experienced and understand we will deal robustly with any individuals or groups committing such crime which can have an overwhelming impact on victims.

“I would also encourage people to look out for each other. If you see something which you feel is wrong, don’t ignore it, report it – only by working together can we help stamp out any hate and prejudice in Norfolk."

Assistant Chief Constable Julie Wvendth of Norfolk Constabulary, said: "Since the launch of Stop Hate in Norfolk, we have been working closely with the County Council to make it easier for people across all communities across the county to report hate incidents.

"Recent events have understandably brought into focus the inequalities and injustices that people experience across society and it is vital we continue to provide a service that all communities can have trust and confidence in.

"Hate incidents can have a devastating impact on victims, their families and the wider community but we also understand that some are not comfortable talking to the police directly.

"Stop Hate in Norfolk highlights the important role the public, private and voluntary agencies have in helping tackle hate crime by passing on any reports made to them to the police on behalf of the victim.

 "Whilst victims are always encouraged to report hate incidents, we also want communities and neighbours to feel confident in calling out hate incidents.

"Together we can support all communities across the county and send a clear message that hate and prejudice will not be tolerated."

Councillor Margaret Dewsbury, cabinet member for communities and partnerships at Norfolk County Council, said: “We wanted to send a message of unity so that everyone knows that we will stand together to tackle hate incidents in Norfolk. There is absolutely no place for hate incidents of any kind in our society and we will continue to work together with our partners and the police to prevent incidents, to support victims and to make Norfolk as safe as possible place for everyone.

"We know that too many people tolerate hate incidents as a reality of life and don’t always report it. We encourage anyone experiencing any form of abuse, or if you are a witness to a hate incident, report to the police and help us to achieve justice together.”

Anyone who believes they need to report an incident of hate should visit: or call 07786 200777.