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Norfolk’s new PCC asks residents to submit policing and crime questions

Police and Crime Commissioner, Sarah Taylor, is inviting residents of Norfolk to submit questions on policing and crime, ready for her first PCC Accountability Meeting in July.

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Wymondham on Monday, 22 July from 2pm.

The quarterly meeting allows Sarah to publicly question, challenge and hold the Chief Constable Paul Sanford and senior officers directly to account about how policing is delivered across the county.

Questions must be submitted prior to the meeting and the PCC is encouraging people to share their questions with her no later than 5pm on Sunday 7 July 2024.

PCC Sarah Taylor, said: “I would very much like to hear from people living or working in Norfolk about the issues and concerns they may have about policing or crime in their area.

“Indeed, before I was elected, I visited many households and received a considerable volume of emails in which local residents shared their experiences of policing and crime, which was an invaluable insight.

“I’ve consistently said that I want to represent people in all our communities and make sure that a strong community voice is brought into policing. Equally, experiences of victims/ survivors of crime is an area I’m particularly keen to hear about. In the coming months, I will be launching a public consultation for my new Police and Crime Plan, so I urge people to raise specific questions to give me a better understanding of what is happening at a local level.”

The PCC Accountability Meeting in July will give the PCC the opportunity to gauge the police’s performance against the previous PCC’s Police, Crime and Community Safety Plan. The agenda will include reports on the six priority areas:

  • Sustain Norfolk Constabulary
  • Visible and Trusted Policing
  • Tackling Crime
  • Prevent Offending
  • Support Victims
  • Safer and Stronger Communities

The next PAM will take place on Monday 22 July at 2pm in the Barsby Conference Room at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Building 7, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW.

People are welcome to attend and observe the meeting in person. This will also be recorded and published on the OPCCN website.  The deadline to register attendance is 5pm, on Wednesday 17 July.

The deadline to submit a question is 5pm Sunday 7 July.

Complete the contact form on our website.

Email: using ‘PCC Accountability Meeting Questions’ as your subject. 

Write to: PCC Accountability Meeting Questions, OPCCN, Building 7, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW. 

Anyone who lives, works or studies in Norfolk can submit one question at each PCC Accountability Meeting, limited to a maximum of 100 words. Questions must relate to policing priorities in your area or within the county and you must provide your name, address and contact telephone number.