Norfolk puts spotlight on child sexual exploitation
Norfolk's Police and Crime Commissioner, Lorne Green, will join with decision makers from across Norfolk this week at a conference to highlight the dangers of social media and child sexual exploitation (CSE).The Mind the Gap conference, taking place in Norwich on Wednesday, aims to educate professionals and fill knowledge gaps which often exist around young people’s use of social media.
Detective Superintendent Julie Wvendth, Chair of the county’s CSE Strategic Sub Group and Head of Norfolk Constabulary’s Safeguarding and Harm Reduction Department said: "Child sexual exploitation is child abuse and can affect any child, anytime, anywhere. CSE has no barriers any child can be sexually exploited no matter what culture, ethnicity or religion.
"Everyone has a role to play in raising awareness of CSE; the safeguarding of our children is everybody’s business.
"It is crucial decision makers from agencies across the county are aware of the dangers social media can pose to enable us to take the right steps to help young people."
Sponsoring the event, alongside Norfolk Constabulary, PCC Lorne Green said: "Child Sexual Exploitation is a vile and hideous crime which robs children of so much. I will not tolerate CSE and I’m determined to do all I can to prevent it.
"I will be joined by over 100 decision makers from within the prevention and support arena at the CSE conference, helping to raise awareness and better understand the dangers faced by our young people."