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Multi-agency review recommendations to help make future safer for domestic abuse victims

A Domestic Homicide Review*(DHR) into the death of Lynne (pseudonym) has today been published by the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership (NCSP) to share the multi-agency lessons and recommendations identified from the tragedy.

Lynne was murdered by her former partner after suffering years of coercive control, mental, physical and economic abuse.

Mark Stokes, Chair of the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership said: “This review is testament to a woman who did everything she could to protect her family in the face of the most extreme and prolonged abuse. Lynne’s family and friends continue to endure the repercussions of this tragic event and we are extremely grateful for their involvement within the domestic homicide review. We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Lynne’s family and friends.

This review has been undertaken in an open and constructive manner with all the agencies, both voluntary and statutory, engaging positively. This has ensured that we have been able to consider the circumstances of this murder in a meaningful way and address, with candour, the issues that it has raised.

Every DHR undertaken by our partnership champions the voice of the victim. This independent review process has ensured that Norfolk partners understood the circumstances that led to Lynne’s death, how agencies work individually and together and established the lessons to be learned. As a partnership we will continue to apply these lessons learned to ensure that domestic abuse is identified and responded to effectively at the earliest opportunity.

The partnership will continue to raise awareness of how to access help and support for all forms of domestic abuse and encourage reporting – everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home and live a life free from abuse.”

The full Domestic Homicide Review report into the death of Lynne can be found here:

*A Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) is a locally conducted, multi-agency review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, partner or member of the same household. DHRs were established on a statutory basis by the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004.

A DHR panel consists of key members of staff from statutory, non-statutory, third sector and charitable agencies who provide support for victims of domestic abuse. Working together in this way will ensure the voice of the victim is addressed through the lessons learnt and recommendations of this DHR.

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