Lorne Green marks second year as Norfolk's PCC
This month sees Lorne Green marking his second year as Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
Here Lorne speaks about the challenges and successes of his past two years in the role."This week marks two years since I was elected, and it’s at milestones like this, as I look back and take stock, that I reflect on the sheer scope of the PCC role.
This last year has been a big one for policing in Norfolk. There has been massive change to the way policing services are delivered, with the Chief Constable’s Norfolk 2020 programme delivering restructure on a scale not seen in Norfolk for a decade. With that in mind, it’s unsurprising that scrutiny of the proposals, their implementation and impact have been a major focus for me over the last year. And the Norfolk public has played, and will continue to play, an important part in that too, through my public Q&A sessions with the Chief Constable.
Beyond police scrutiny, I’ve worked closely with our police to tackle the issues Norfolk’s communities tell me matter most to them. We’ve reinvigorated the police response to rural crime, worked with partners to protect our heritage buildings from lead thieves, and initiatives like my #Impact road safety campaign and StreetDoctors knife crime project are helping educate young people on staying safe.
I’ve also been pleased to support our police in working smarter, introducing new technology like drones and bodyworn cameras for our frontline officers.
And that’s not to mention setting the budget within which all our policing services are delivered – never an easy task.
But my work doesn’t stop at policing. I’m also focussed on the vulnerable in our county, and on victims of crime and providing the local support they need to cope and recover. In this last year, as well as re-vamping the victim care service open to all victims in Norfolk, I’ve also worked with local organisations to ensure victims of domestic and sexual abuse, among other crimes, can access first-class specialist support.
And I’ve been working to stop people becoming victims in the first place by focusing on those committing crime. Through schemes like Community Chaplains, WONDER and Gateway to Employment, offenders are being helped to identify and address the causes of their behaviour, tackling reoffending and reducing the harm caused to victims."