Clarity on presentation of consultation responses
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) would like to offer some clarity on the presentation of comments and feedback from the recent fire governance consultation.All comments and feedback submitted in response to the PCC’s consultation will be considered and taken into account by Lorne Green in making a decision on how to proceed. In order to ensure transparency in this process, all comments and feedback will also be made public; they will be published on the Norfolk PCC website and included in the full consultation report.
For the purpose of publishing the consultation responses, it is necessary for some redacting of some individual words and remarks to take place. There are instances in the feedback received where people have included their own personal information - such as names, addresses, email addresses – or other people’s personal information. To protect those details, it is right and proper that such content is redacted from the comments before they are made publicly available. There are also instances were individuals have used abusive or offensive language in their responses. The OPCCN will not publish this language – the sentiment of the comment will remain, but those words/phrases may be redacted. The same applies for anything found to be libellous.
If a remark or comment is redacted, that person’s vote and views will still be counted and considered.