Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sarah Taylor invites you to send in your questions around policing and crime ahead of the PCC Accountability Meeting…
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCCN) is calling out for volunteers as one of its youngest Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) has decided…
Virgin Media O2 Business is donating over 500 mobile phones to help victims and survivors of domestic abuse or sexual assault living in East Anglia. The phones will be distributed in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk via support services.
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is required by law to publish a set of accounts each year providing a breakdown of the PCC's and Norfolk Constabulary's financial performance and position.
A Domestic Abuse Related Death Review into the death of Val (pseudonym) has today been published by the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership to enable lessons to be learned and shared as widely and thoroughly as possible to reduce the risk of such tragedies happening in the future.
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sarah Taylor wants to hear your questions around policing and crime ahead of this year’s first PCC Accountability Meeting (PAM)…
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is required by law to publish a set of accounts each year providing a breakdown of the PCC's and Norfolk Constabulary's financial performance and position.