Governance is about ensuring that the right things are done in the right way, for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, open and accountable way. It comprises the systems, processes, culture and values by which organisations are directed and controlled, and through which they account to, engage with and, where appropriate, lead their communities.
Corporate Governance Framework
The Corporate Governance Framework within which the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Chief Constable govern, both jointly and separately, comprises:
- A Statement of Corporate Governance, which includes the Code of Corporate Governance
- A Scheme of Governance and Consent
A Corporate Governance Working Group reviews and provides feedback on the effectiveness of the corporate governance systems determined by the PCC and Chief Constable.
Statement of Corporate Governance and Code of Corporate Governance
The Statement of Corporate Governance, which includes the Code of Corporate Governance, provides the statutory framework under which the relationship between the PCC and Chief Constable functions, and gives clarity to how core principles will be implemented.
Scheme of Governance and Consent
The Scheme of Governance and Consent defines the parameters within which the PCC and Chief Constable conduct their business. It governs the interrelationship between the PCC and Chief Constable, setting out those powers which may be exercised by either the PCC or Chief Constable or others acting on their behalf.
It comprises a number of key elements, including:
- A Decision-Making and Accountability Framework
- Financial Regulations
- Contract Standing Orders.