Police budget and council tax
Your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is responsible for setting the budget for policing in Norfolk, including how much you contribute through Council Tax, and for monitoring how that budget is used and holding the Chief Constable to account.
Regular reports on police spending are received by your PCC at public meetings with the Chief Constable.
View more about the PCC Accountability Meeting
Funding for both Norfolk’s police service and the work of the PCC comes from grants received from the Home Office, income from fees and charges, and the annual council tax precept that is levied on all households in Norfolk.
The PCC must determine the amount you pay through your Council Tax, following consultation with communities and business rate payers, and the county’s Police and Crime Panel must be briefed on the PCC’s precept proposals. Council Tax is collected by District Councils who are also responsible for Council Tax benefit, discounts and exemptions. For specific information about Council Tax, like banding, tax benefits or paying your Council Tax, please contact your local council.
Budget 2024/25
The total budget under the control of the PCC in 2024/25 is £211.4 million.
Where the money comes from | Budget 2023/24 | Budget 2024/25 |
Government funding | £105,936,324 | £111,688,042 |
Council tax | £93,917,669 |
£99,707,933 |
Approved budget | £199,853,993 |
£211,395,975 |
How the money is spent | Budget 2022/23 | % of budget | Budget 2023/24 | % of budget | Budget 2024/25 | % of budget |
Employees | £166,217,858 | 85.8% | £171,653,993 | 85.9% | £186,301,659 | 88.1% |
Premises | £17,300,000 | 8.9% | £18,900,000 | 9.5% | £20,431,596 | 9.7% |
Transport | £3,500,000 | 1.8% | £3,700,000 | 1.8% | £3,971,277 | 1.9% |
Supplies, services and other | £24,900,000 | 12.9% | £23,900,000 | 12.0% | £26,445,898 | 12.5% |
Capital financing | £3,900,000 | 2.0% | £5,300,000 | 2.6% | £5,685,545 | 2.7% |
Gross budget | £215,817,858 | 111.4% | £223,453,993 | 111.8% | £242,835,975 | 114.9% |
Other income | (£22,100,000) | -11.4% | (£23,600,000) | -11.8% | (£31,440,000) | -14.9% |
Net budget | £193,717,858 | 100.0% | £199,853,993 | 100.0% | £211,395,975 | 100.0% |
Who is responsible for spending it | Budget 2023/4 | Budget 2024/25 |
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCCN) | £1,546,000 | £1,829,330 |
OPCCN Commissioning - base budget | £1,044,000 | £1,044,100 |
Chief Constable operational spending | £194,763,993 | £204,681,000 |
Capital financing | £5,295,000 | £5,685,545 |
Transfer to/ (from) reserves | (£2,795,000) | (£1,844,000) |
Approved budget | £199,853,993 |
£211,395,975 |
Capital programme | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
Estates schemes | £4,459,333 | £900,000 | £150,000 | £50,000 |
ICT (Norfolk only) | £1,160,988 | £1,466,908 | £558,900 | £465,000 |
Norfolk share of joint schemes (mostly ICT) | £3,819,571 | £3,410,810 | £4,378,999 | £3,052,496 |
Vehicles | £1,289,000 | £1,566,000 | £1,822,000 | £2,154,000 |
Total | £10,728,892 | £7,343,718 | £6,909,899 | £5,721,496 |
Capital funding | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
Grant | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Capital receipts | £1,100,000 | £75,000 | £75,000 | £75,000 |
Revenue | £4,063,159 | £4,850,000 | £5,000,000 | £5,000,000 |
Use of reserves | £1,406,400 | £1,568,718 | £1,734,899 | £646,496 |
Internal/external borrowing | £4,159,333 | £850,000 | £100,000 | £0 |
Total | £10,728,892 | £7,343,718 | £6,909,899 | £5,721,496 |
Reserves | Total general reserve | Total earmarked reserves | Total reserves |
31/03/2023 | £4,840,000 | £15,646,000 | £20,486,000 |
31/03/2024 forecast | £4,990,000 | £12,621,000 | £17,611,000 |
31/03/2025 forecast | £5,260,000 | £10,507,000 | £15,767,000 |
31/03/2026 forecast | £5,340,000 | £8,939,000 | £14,279,000 |
31/03/2027 forecast | £5,410,000 | £7,845,000 | £13,255,000 |
31/03/2028 forecast | £5,490,000 | £7,718,000 | £13,208,000 |
Having consulted Norfolk’s communities on whether they would be prepared to pay more to support their police service in 2024/25, PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie took the decision to increase the council tax precept for the year by 4.28% (equating to an extra 25 pence per week for a Band D property or 19 pence per week for a Band B property).
Budget 2023/24
The total budget under the control of the PCC in 2023/24 is £199.8 million.
Approved budget | £193,717,858 |
£199,853,993 |
Where the money comes from | Budget 2022/23 | Budget 2023/24 |
Government funding | £105,602,101 | £105,936,324 |
Council tax | £88,115,757 | £93,917,669 |
Net budget | £183,100,000 | 100.0% | £193,717,858 | 100.0% | £199,853,993 | 100.0% |
How the money is spent | Budget 2021/22 | % of budget | Budget 2022/23 | % of budget | Budget 2023/24 | % of budget |
Employees | £157,500,000 | 86.0% | £166,217,858 | 85.8% | £171,653,993 | 85.9% |
Premises | £16,900,000 | 9.2% | £17,300,000 | 8.9% | £18,900,000 | 9.5% |
Transport | £3,600,000 | 2.0% | £3,500,000 | 1.8% | £3,700.000 | 1.8% |
Supplies, services and other | £23,100,000 | 12.6% | £24,900,000 | 12.9% | £23,900,000 | 12.0% |
Capital financing | £4,800,000 | 2.6% | £3,900,000 | 2.0% | £5,300,000 | 2.6% |
Gross budget | £205,900,000 | 112.4% | £215,817,858 | 111.4% | £223,453,993 | 111.8% |
Other income | (£22,800,000) | -12.4% | (£22,100,000) | -11.4% | (£23,600,000) | -11.8% |
Approved budget | £193,717,858 | £199,853,993 |
Who is responsible for spending it | Budget 2022/23 | Budget 2023/24 |
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) | £1,483,000 | £1,546,000 |
OPCCN Commissioning - base budget | £1,044,000 | £1,044,000 |
Chief Constable operational spending | £186,461,858 | £194,763,993 |
Capital financing | £3,902,000 | £5,295,000 |
Transfer to / (from) reserves | £827,000 | (£2,795,000) |
Total | £12,505,305 | £7,443,588 | £11,688,357 | £8,514,949 |
Capital programme breakdown | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 |
Estates schemes | £5,900,000 | £2,345,000 | £5,056,000 | £215,000 |
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - Norfolk only | £869,189 | £564,769 | £922,929 | £3,005,046 |
Norfolk share of joint schemes - mostly ICT | £4,043,309 | £3,234,819 | £4,132,428 | £3,439,903 |
Vehicles | £1,692,807 | £1,299,000 | £1,577,000 | £1,855,000 |
Total | £12,505,305 | £7,443,588 | £11,688,357 | £8,514,949 |
Capital funding breakdown | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 |
Grant | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Capital receipts | £1,975,000 | £75,000 | £465,500 | £75,000 |
Revenue | £4,683,877 | £4,301,780 | £4.431,780 | £4,514,100 |
Use of reserves | £987,000 | £1,066,808 | £1,945,077 | £3,925,849 |
Internal / external borrowing | £4,859,428 | £2,000,000 | £4,846,000 | £0 |
Reserves | Total general reserve | Total earmarked reserves | Total reserves |
31 March 2022 | £4,575,000 | £16,780,000 | £21,355,000 |
31 March 2023 forecast | £4,840,000 | £17,897,000 | £22,737,000 |
31 March 2024 forecast | £4,990,000 | £14,952,000 | £19,942,000 |
31 March 2025 forecast | £5,130,000 | £14,315,000 | £19,445,000 |
31 March 2026 forecast | £5,200,000 | £12,870,000 | £18,070,000 |
31 March 2027 forecast | £5,270,000 | £8,944,000 | £14,214,000 |
Having consulted Norfolk’s communities on whether they would be prepared to pay more to support their police service in 2023/24, PCC Giles Orpen-Smellie took the decision to increase the council tax precept for the year by 5.2% (equating to an extra 29 pence per week for a Band D property or 22 pence per week for a Band B property).
Find out more about the council tax increase
Read the PCC's budget report to the Police and Crime Panel
More budget and council tax information
Letter to the Police and Crime Panel from the PCC confirming police precept budget. Ac.
Date: 2023-02-17 / PDF (203 KB)
Letter to the Police and Crime Commissioner from the Police and Crime Panel to confirm police precept. Ac.
Date: 2023-02-17 / PDF (147 KB)
2023-24 Police Budget - decision on policing precept - report to the Police and Crime Panel
Date: 2023-02-21 / PDF (4 MB)
This report updates the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel on the PCC's proposed policing budget for 2022/23, providing information on the policing precept, revenue budget and capital plan for 2022/23 and medium-term financial plan to 2025/26.
Date: 2022-02-02 / PDF (1.1 MB)
The revised appendices are as a consequence of North Norfolk’s change in tax base and collection fund which occurred after the papers for the Panel meeting were published. However these changes would not change the precept decision the PCC requested.
Date: 2022-03-23 / PDF (153 KB)
Date: 2022-02-02 / PDF (131 KB)
Date: 2022-02-02 / PDF (144 KB)
This report updates the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel on the PCC's proposed policing budget for 2021/22, providing information on the policing precept, revenue budget and capital plan for 2021/22 and medium-term financial plan to 2024/25.
Date: 2021-02-02 / PDF (1.3 MB)
Date: 2021-02-04 / PDF (151 KB)
Date: 2021-02-04 / PDF (136 KB)
Date: 2020-02-17 / PDF (708 KB)
Date: 2019-12-16 / PDF (192 KB)
Date: 2019-12-16 / PDF (1.4 MB)
Date: 2020-02-06 / PDF (177 KB)
Date: 2020-02-04 / PDF (136 KB)
Date: 2020-02-04 / PDF (812 KB)
The report which went to the Police and Crime Panel on 4 February has been updated to take account of Home Office clarification in relation to treatment of the ring-fenced uplift grant.
Date: 2020-02-17 / PDF (902 KB)
Date: 2019-12-16 / PDF (192 KB)
Date: 2019-03-11 / PDF (334 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (431 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (132 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (7.5 MB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (2.8 MB)
Date: 2019-01-02 / PDF (7.5 MB)
Date: 2019-01-02 / PDF (43 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (585 KB)
Date: 2019-03-12 / PDF (217 KB)
Date: 2018-04-04 / PDF (274 KB)
Date: 2018-03-19 / PDF (501 KB)
Date: 2018-02-07 / PDF (548 KB)
Date: 2018-02-07 / PDF (39 KB)
Date: 2018-02-07 / PDF (36 KB)
Date: 2017-11-28 / PDF (827 KB)
Date: 2017-11-28 / PDF (71 KB)
Date: 2018-02-07 / PDF (490 KB)
Date: 2018-08-06 / PDF (311 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (431 KB)
Date: 2019-02-05 / PDF (132 KB)
Date: 2017-03-06 / PDF (83 KB)
Date: 2017-05-03 / PDF (36 KB)
Date: 2017-02-06 / PDF (1.2 MB)
Date: 2017-02-06 / PDF (43 KB)
Date: 2017-02-06 / PDF (36 KB)
Date: 2016-11-10 / PDF (2.4 MB)
Date: 2017-02-06 / PDF (377 KB)
Date: 2017-02-06 / PDF (36 KB)
Date: 2016-04-13 / PDF (59 KB)
Date: 2016-04-13 / PDF (64 KB)
Report provided to the Police & Crime Panel at a public meeting on 2 February 2016, providing a breakdown of the responses to the PCC's budget consultation.
Date: 2016-02-02 / PDF (34 KB)
Spreadsheet of responses to PCC's online survey on whether police Council Tax should be increased by 2% or frozen for 2016/17.
Date: 2016-02-02 / XLS (514 KB)
Presentation given by Chief Constable Simon Bailey to members of the Norfolk Police & Crime Panel at a public meeting on 2 February 2016.
Date: 2016-02-02 / PDF (482 KB)
The members of the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel confirm their unanimous support for the PCC's revised proposal to increase the policing element of Council Tax.
Date: 2016-02-17 / PDF (47 KB)
Letter from PCC to Norfolk Police and Crime Panel confirming the end of the budget/precept setting process for 2016/17.
Date: 2016-02-17 / PDF (37 KB)
Agenda from the public meeting of the Norfolk Police & Crime Panel on 2 February 2016, where Panel members considered the PCC's police budget/Council Tax proposal.
Date: 2016-02-02 / PDF (3 MB)
This revised budget report was considered and endorsed by the members of the Police and Crime Panel on 16 February 2016.
Date: 2016-02-11 / PDF (630 KB)
Presentation given by Chief Constable Simon Bailey at public engagement events during PCC's January 2016 budget consultation.
Date: 2016-02-01 / PDF (656 KB)
This revised precept (and council tax) report was considered by the Police and Crime Panel at its public meeting on 16 February 2016. The Panel endorsed the Commissioner's proposal to increase the council tax by 1.98% (£4.124) per annum to £212.94 at Band D. The collection authorities were notified of their individual shares of the total precept (£60,630,402) in letters from the Chief Finance Officer dated 16 February 2016.
Date: 2016-02-17 / PDF (880 KB)
Date: 2015-01-01 / PDF (64 KB)
Date: 2015-01-01 / PDF (200 KB)
Date: 2015-01-01 / PDF (164 KB)
Date: 2015-01-01 / PDF (170 KB)
Date: 2015-02-03 / PDF (47 KB)
Date: 2015-02-03 / PDF (255 KB)